Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR (Game Over)

This is botc discussing it is releatigely more fine

I think my point is pretty clear
the hosts probably won’t answer (?) so I do just have to take you at face value

They already answered

Like someone asked tbis itt

that’s cool
an inquiry when i’m moderately lucid

Bionic fell off posting wise after early d1 and I feel not so great about the slot. I didn’t like their response to the nomination either

I really did not like IceT’s read list (#2023, took a lot of scrolling to find again lmao) and they feel like they have been here but not really doing much
maybe it’s because Ice has done a lot of whispering? But I would be really interested to know what exactly went down in the whispers to arrive at Jarek top town to the same tier as Wazza.

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I will now leave this mortal coil
brb in like 6 hours

Tutuu so now jarek?

Oh they are open wolfing
That kinda sucks
(They did this last game too)

Geyde they are dead

Are you really surprised they are claiming the same role

@Atlas yoy are around?

Average zombuul game

I really just believe the demon is bionic here

Everyone else is not very exeable or probably not demon

Oh! I noticed earlier you didn’t want to whisper me, but since then I have learned information about the game that involves you, and so I was wondering if you would be up to whispering this time. If you don’t like what I’m saying or hearing then you are free to ignore me for the rest of the game.

Chat did I get doxxed

/whisper icet


/whisper litten (you make)
