Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR (Game Over)


you should trust my word i am the good exorcist

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you made that up

Think of magnus as a person

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you made that up

It is entirely accurate.

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it was very predictable running kazali in the tb

It might make your worlds wrong but goodluck

you’re making a social read on magnus


you’re making a read and stating it as truth

You did this with May, I don’t see how this is any different.

i dont agree because we have evidence to otherwise, from the games they’ve hosted


You stated May wouldn’t do something as a statement of fact, a social read on their personality, when there was counter evidence otherwise, because in your mind, they are more likely to lean one way or another

we have evidence to you otherwise depending on what you said, from the games magnus has hosted

also by the way zug agreed with me about may’s fps being weird

They Are Wrong.

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and im the queen of england

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this is getting unnecessarily argumative

i think you’re wrong about most things in the game
bickering about it doesn’t solve anything and just annoys me and probably you
if youre going to execute me i recommend doing it today