Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR (Game Over)

i don’t understand why an experienced player like yourself would say that icet poisoning assassin when you had an extreme amount of confidence in it’s use was completely rational and you don’t care about it
thats what makes me suspect it

for the record this happened because I claimed Fool to Icet, I had to instantly backtrack because my role was far too valuable to even bother taking the risk, Icet has had my genuine claim since day 1

or mistyx
shes around more often

because there was much more pressing things for me to find worth discussing I’m not gonna lie to you

if icet was good, they were asking you as an experienced player whether or not it was okay
you misreading it could’ve screwed with his entire abil

I was heavily mech-centered on my own role, I didn’t care much for what Icet was doing, I gave my suggestions, Icet disagreed, I moved on, Icet has played as much if not maybe more botc than I have from what I assume, they are also an experienced player

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i understand that
thats why i’m asking about determining what you said in a private conversation so we can figure out if you could’ve made the mistake you did

I also still don’t disagree with poisoning the assassin, I just generally don’t care for it, if anything it makes me think they’re more likely to be a genuine courtier because who the fuck lies about poisoning the assassin, just lie about something like poisoning the mastermind or the zombuul, that way it removes peoples fears of those roles

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them poisoning assassin n3 and saying that “nobody was debating on what minions were inplay” was. very suspect to me
we all thought assassin killed gummy and that there was probably a da

because we called out them poisoning mm

the time they did so didn’t make sense


Also I just want to clarify one thing with you Atlas

What did Icet claim to you in whispers on day 2?

they publically claimed to having drunked mm n2
i said that doing that, after the execution of a claimed grandmother, was pretty suspicious, especially so because i think icet trusted nuto
the courtier can simply drink with the mastermind after somebody is executed and poison them that way during a mm day, so i didn’t understand why they’d use it that early
litten agreed, and icet outted changing their claim and saying they told both their neighbours of it and you (bystander and nuto)

courtier/professor, i think

court sailor
i was court professor

While yeah I’m aware they hadn’t use their ability N2 (I can fully confirm this if you can’t tell), I don’t think there’s anything wrong with this, I also don’t think Icet knew Nuto was a claimed grandmother anyway, I don’t think they’ve made any confirmation of this.

While it would’ve been stupid, it’s better to do this than not because there’s a much higher chance the mastermind will be dead later on in the game anyway so poisoning them would probably do nothing at that point and if Icet just died before using their ability to any substantial matter then like what’s the point in them having it

im really confused on why you don’t disagree with poisoning assassin n3
both us and you were heavily pushing for the idea of it being used n2 on gummybear because she was pushing jarek

they would’ve been able to narrow it down in whispers
nuto claimed a 3 to me and i instantly locked them in on grandmother via socials, icet being a player more experienced then you or me could’ve done the same
especially with how they were going down

I’m not Icet, I can’t read their mind and I can’t convince them on everything, I will say once again, I wanted them to poison Pukka, that’s the main thing I wanted, if they did anything else I didn’t really care for it, it was their choice to make, not mine.

I honestly fail to see why I should’ve cared, there was much more pressing matters considering you and more importantly, Jarek/Tutuu