Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR (Game Over)

No I think Wazza is misunderstanding something

No it isn’t. You are not Markiplier. Stop wolfing.

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Her pfp hair is definetly red. I fail to see the issue

No I am not

It’s Zug. He does weird FPSs and reaction tests and comes into everything with a plan. And I’ve been telling him about my fun lying plays in Blood on the Clocktower for ages. Of course I’m going to think he’s maybe FPSing when I gave him a bunch of opportunities to back down from his claim and he didn’t take a single one

No I said because I was willing to tell Hazard my role I am more likely Sailor (and not FPSing) if Good

i… I honeslty dont know what i expected from you dude

let me check the interaction

Ok it was fucking instant

“May wanna hard claim i promise it has a funny catchline”
“Oh absolutely Sailor”

like i didnt even claim gambler. they claime cause i promised a joke

Which I claimed because I had already hardclaimed Sailor to everybody I whispered

i asked if i should gamble them and their first reply was a “I’m not probably someone you want to gamble due to being a sailor”

I was not caught out by a Gambler claim asking for my hardclaim when I was trying to keep things vague, I claimed this to bys, I claimed this to nuto, I claimed this to jmw, I intended to claim it to gummy

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sorry i dont mean to shut you down but all info needs to be out.
tbf their reasoning for not wanting to being gambled seemed fine. But i was still gonna test them for it

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I’m not irritated with you I’m irritated with everybody twisting things to push me

irritation is usually a good sign for may. but i dont wanna use that and i dont think they would wanna use that


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the demon won’t act the first night (usually) anyway
so this info is bad

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