Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR (Game Over)

accounting for the deaths we have:

N1 - No deaths (obviously)
N3 - Pukka/Po + Gambler Suicide
N4 - Pukka/Po

There’s no definite confirmation on if it’s Pukka or Po as my results from N2 would be accurate and I’m obviously not the gambler suicide

There is either no Mastermind or no Devil’s Advocate, there’s no confirmation for either so we have no idea.

I think it’s better to assume there’s a Devil’s Advocate tbh

I also think it’s good to assume that Tutuu is Assassin, they’re either evil Goon or they’re Assassin, in the world they’re evil Goon, Atlas is 100% locktown

I’m ngl we really should’ve executed tutuu D2

if they died, we had a lockevil, if they lived, we know DA exists

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VOTE: Geyde
Exiling them so they can play the game and vote
And going back to sleep gn

should iout someones claim or no



me on my way to survive to f2 as an outed wolf

i am toootally the assassin guys, keep doing what you’re doing, im sooooo bad at wifom

someone claimed minstrel to me yday this is super weird

the most logical option is someone was pukka poisoned n3??? idk how that would work out though

i told u

oh yeah that

point still made though

only reason i could think of someone being pukka poisoned was demon being scared of not knowing someone’s role but that feels like we’re at least wrong on a path then

i dont know why someone would die if bionic was v

i think we really need to figure out whats going on with may and zug today

think today’s the day we put all our cards on the table and go from there

bionic w implies pukka game bionic v implies…shab? or po who didnt kill n2 + hit into a sailor protect n3