okay but they could just be drunk
I mean it’s possible they chose an evil player but that’s also info if they do die
most of the time they aren’t drunk unless they keep choosing bad tsrgets
i mean no its not because we dont know if theyre legit sailor or not in that situation
that’s one of the key differences between sailor and protwvted da which is why sailor is a townsfolk
that’s also true but in that scenario they are likely to be the demon if they are fake
I could probably build minion may workds though
Got to go eat but will be back
i dont get it
get what
anyways before smeone claimed they complained for a long time abt all the roels being bad or a ton of roles being badand their role being bad
i thought it was towny bt
yeah I’m willing
see the thing is zug only 3f3’d and I’m not aware of any claim that zug made so using the host here is irrelevant
I could’ve just received wrong info and zug is a minion
talking to host in playerchat?!?
I generally reject the theory of someone talking to the mod purely because it’s super shaky and even if it’s done, theorizing or assuming doesn’t get us anywhere