Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR (Game Over)

Such wording related only to the fact that I was posting announcements early and people would be permitted to post “shortly”, and does not accurately reflect the game board.

everyone would hate you if you did?

then will you give a complete answer to my request, or do you choose to abstain to

you can literally read any of my games on this forum prior in which i was evil or ask hazard who has played with me out of game

ive also played with bys but idt they remember those games

ive also played with bionic and someone a few times before but idk if they take notes on how i play

no what

i have asked hazard
they gave an unclear answer

if i was evil and the entire thread was bullying my assassin traveller for existing i wouldnt mind if they random stab

@Hazardwaste in fang gu and psychopath game was i obvious evil

have you ever actually misread me in botc

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the entire thread is an overstatement
it was two to three people, kingly someone

and luka also travelled out

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dont think it means more about their alignment that we dont already know but its worth noting

meaning they felt unwelcome in thread


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so in that case i wouldnt care if they random stabbed

In the scenario in which a Tinker and Godfather both happen to exist, it is entirely possible (RAW) for the Tinker to die at dawn during the death announcements in order to trigger a Godfather kill the following night, and this would be mechanically indistinguishable from a player simply dying at night.

its rather bothersome too
we cant read into them travelling out immediately after either way

i believe the storyteller is to announce who “died during the night”, but that makes no difference

if i was a minion who got random stabbed by an assassin traveler id be salty for weeks

u dont look stabbed to me so id say thats pretty good


With this in mind, a Tinker could also die despite being Innkeeper protected since it could happen at dawn, assuming they weren’t drunk.
Off the top of my head, this is the only other BMR-scenario in which it could be theoretically significant.