Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR (Game Over)

Yeah I checked over the worlds you proposed, they work, that’s why bmr is often said to be a social script rather than a mechanical script, a lot of worlds and we didn’t have any protection roles

A lot of them sound dumb but

Oh I meant to say just assassin not the no gf

does this not change your mind on exeing May here

Just because you wrote a team list does not mean that may cannot be in a team with you

I think it’s best that we kill Jarek today, not because they are the demon, but because we give the sailor and the exorcist a night to act tonight, if a kill happens tomorrow should be between JMW/The person they did not check.


oh I thought you didn’t want to kill Jarek
yeah I’m fine with that

nya meow purr

I don’t think they are the demon but we are at a point where killing them give the mechanical roles a chance to breathe and sort things out themselves

that’s beacuse I’m good :3

we’ll see in the final grim but i don’t think town is doing well

Thoughts on JMW claiming your role

idk, minion?

Did you change your mind on that?


can you give an idea of why

I said it previously

The Sailor hasn’t tested themselves and might be able to drunk an evil because of that. The Exorcist will get another night. Both of these, combined, should at least do something mechanically. In JMW case they cannot push the people they are clearing if lying, which will reveal them as evil eventually. In May Case then an evil might be drunk.

Jarek is basically a let’s see what happens execution

In this world, who is the DA that saved Atlas?

Honestly I can use this reasoning for a lot of the Atlas worlds