Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR (Game Over)

They could be but GF makes most sense to me with jarek not knowing about outsiders

Also we executed bionic d3
if he’s da he’s going buonic d1 and bionic d3

I think bionic being DA would mean bionic claimed Exo in response to being nominated when he was DA protected by himself that day OR despite counterclaiming a villager he didn’t protect himself when able the next day

that scenario only fits imo if the former is a play they’d make or there is a demon that makes sense to protect in the latter

Basically I think may should be using their resources to hopefully make the da drunk if possible with the current game state which I think would be fair since they haven’t tested themselves yet and we are living in a pulka world

the exo claim felt really panicky to me so I feel like it makes more sense in a world where bionic isn’t DA and/or DA has more important things to be doing

Since sailor is like
Kinda useless with pukka anyway
Pukka hard nerfs sailor

If we execute jarek JMW should go on may too imo since may is like, the leading candiate if JMW is good

Mechanically possible teams (demon last), sorted most to least likely

Removing Demon!Icet without Minion!JMW with the exo claim
Removing W!Crazy with T!Wazza
Removing Demon!Mistyx without Minion!Someone (Mistyx is confirmed not Pukka in 6192 https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/undertale-yellow-s-botf-xxiii-bmr-day-4-7-14-1/7929/6192, and since there was a kill after Bionic died, either Bionic was town or Someone isn’t Minstrel)

Atlas whispered: Crazy/Hazard/Icet/Bys/Mistyx d1, and Wazza/(Crazy + JMW (together))/Me/Bys d2.
Jarek (Atlas’ neighbor) whispered Someone/Wazza d1, and Icet D2
Gummy (Atlas’ other neighbor) whispered no one.

Considering that Jarek could give info to Atlas, the people who could be DAs in an Demon!Atlas world: Hazard/Icet/Bys/Mistyx/Wazza/Someone/Bionic (with Bionic whispering through Hazard).

Hazard/Bys/Wazza is pretty unlikely
Bionic also unlikely DA because it requires them to be paired with Hazard

This does leave open Demon!Atlas with Icet, Mistyx, or Someone though.





Litten what’s stopping it from being Demon!Atlas with one of Icet/Mistyx/Someone as the DA?
(more likely Icet, though Mistyx bussing there is understandable if they want to go deep to protect Atlas; Someone is unlikely but possible enough that I’m mentioning it)
Atlas was able to contact all of them

How long did this take you

I wasn’t doing this the whole time but. a while

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The devil advocate would, never, ever, ever be killed at night, considering how powerful it is

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misty can’t be da cuz they
Oh, they technically can because jarek would he goon in that world

I was thinking Assassin!Jarek without any GF

Reason I’m thinking so much about the devil advocate is this blurb from fighting the da in the botc wiki

Once you have figured out a Devil’s Advocate is in play, hunt them down immediately! Whilst some other Minions can be ignored, the Devil’s Advocate can not. For example, if you learn which player the Baron is, you are probably best focusing your execution attentions on different player, and keeping the Baron alive. Or, if you figure out which player is the Assassin, it may be best to keep the Assassin alive and put all your efforts into hunting the Demon. However, a Devil’s Advocate really, really, needs to die for good to win. Hunt the Devil’s Advocate down and kill them before focusing your attentions on the Demon if at all possible

I mean I think that’s likely too

Give me a second

Mechanically impossible
Hazard would have died gambling May
The only reason hazard ever survifed it May is evil is if the tea lady saved them because atlas was also good

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Why is this mechanically plausiable

if Princess is the wolf traveler, who shot w!Gummy because they didn’t know their team

That’s so dumb but it technically works