Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR (Game Over)

Didn’t wake n1
Can’t be pukka
If no pulka bionic w means minstrel should have procced


Yeah no yeah what I said is right

i think you have that backwards?

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Yeah I did

wouldnt it be jarek being the demon requires bionic v instead


i did play, i have 140 messages, i did my abilities, and I’m even trying to talk every once in a while even if im dead and modtly wolf read, sure i may not be the best player, but you can’t say im not playing

Since you ar dead do you mind voting

I think voudon was a fun concept but doesn’t work really fun for the games

I will vote whoever may votes, they seem the most trustable

voudon messes up engagement in longform bad yeah

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Thought it would lead to the dead being more active but most of the living players are active and can’t vote

May can’t vote

ok noted

this was based also on who Jarek whispered, and they’re sitting next to you so.


@May who should i vote?

Am I getting punked

what is that

Getting tricked or bamboozled