Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR (Game Over)

you suck at pinging

@jmw before I forget, nom May, keep our options open today

nya meow purr

Also @jmw i wanna whisper you at some point

sure? why

sharing is caring

it’s okay we just won’t tell you :nail_care:

the truth is i drunked the minstrel :pensive:

the truth is I drunk with your mother

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/whisper wazza atas misty


If I’m sleeping, I can read up on the chat later, Litten has everything I wanted to say

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any non me cats should look away for a while

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The litten industrial complex stops for no one

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/whisper wazza litten mistyx

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fyi, Litten, you’re creating


I love being lazy

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May I think you should look away for the next 12 hours


May nominate yourself unironically

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