Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR (Game Over)

have you confirmed with may they didnt drink with you on the night you chose gummy

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they drunk Tutuu

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and @May who did you drink with yesterday bestie

ok so theres an evil with in Zug/Gummy
Evil in tutuu
Evil in Jmw/bionic
and then mystery

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why is tutuu not dead yet is like beyond me lol.

Considering Tutuu/Bionic/Gummy + 1, we have {May, Icet, JMW, Atlas} as +1. I do realize Bionic cooooould be town but I don’t think that’s likely enough to consider now. Maybe if all the worlds look unrealistic I’ll come back to this though.

It’s possible Tutuu is demon, but that requires W!May (because T!May → Tutuu was drunk last night, but there was still a kill (technically this can be false with some well-timed assassin kills? doesn’t seem at all likely though)). So the team would have to be exactly Tutuu/Bionic/Gummy/May, and Demon!Jarek would have been doing… interesting plays.

More realistically (demon last):
Tutuu/Bionic/Gummy/Icet Demon!Icet requires JMW minion

I’ll have to check whether this Atlas world is one where they can learn they were DAed D2.

Also, @jmw who did you exorcise last night?

ok I have a final to take rn
bye nya nya nya

@Litten remember the plan lol

nya what is it :flushed:

the fact that you just outed yourself

makes this next part a lot easier

yeah the last one seems really likely zug, really likely mhm

Anyway I did some work overnight

Right now, I have five LIKELY worlds:

Jarek/Bionic/JMW/Icet w1
Jarek/Bionic/JMW/Zug w2
Jarek/Bionic/May/Zug w3
Jarek/Bionic/May/Icet w4
Jarek/Bionic/Zug/Icet w5

Social Stuff people won't read or care about

Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR Day 5 (6/14) + 1 - #543 by jmw
Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR Day 5 (6/14) + 1 - #544 by jmw
Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR Day 5 (6/14) + 1 - #549 by jmw
Talked about Bionic and Jarek early on and had a town read on Jarek and focused on defending them early on. They later changed their tune and did not actually town read them anymore, or even tried defending them, but I found their early play interesting.
Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR Day 5 (6/14) + 1 - #2584 by jmw
One of my current worlds is that the team JMW/Icet/Tutuu/Bionic is the team. I think this post is rather interesting because it suggests if that is the team, JMW is the flag bearer who is trying to bus their entire team. They also town read Zug originally here, but at some point, they changed their mind which you will see soon.
Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR Day 5 (6/14) + 1 - #2602 by jmw
Talked about Icet and bionic here. Both of them are pretty fair points, but I still think it’s interesting that in the end game, one of the teams that is likely has all three of them in it.
Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR Day 5 (6/14) + 1 - #4820 by jmw
Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR Day 5 (6/14) + 1 - #4839 by jmw
I think the second post I posted above actually feels as though they have TMI on Zug’s alignment, it’s a very astute observation from someone who hasn’t talked about them at all besides having them in their town reads for a while, and it kinda feels like the read an evil would make on another evil.
Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR Day 5 (6/14) + 1 - #4840 by jmw
Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR Day 5 (6/14) + 1 - #4846 by jmw
Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR Day 5 (6/14) + 1 - #4854 by jmw
This whole sequence of posts probably mean nothing but I think like being stuck on a partner like this for like a couple posts is a very weird move and it kinda feels like they are just trying to wrap their head around what couriter does and what drunking the mm actually did
Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR Day 5 (6/14) + 1 - #4951 by jmw
feels like there’s a noticable drop in quality around here, as though their reads have actually gotten shallower which was what they were accusing zug of orginially, maybe it’s game fatigue but it’s something I’ve noted and I think wolves in this type of mode, esp newer to the format but knows how to wolf wolves, would often act like this when their energy is running out in such a mechanical heavy game
Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR Day 5 (6/14) + 1 - #5081 by jmw
yeah just another post that kinda reeks of having a wolf tmi smell to it, I may be biased because this is the first iso i’m looking through but it feels like JMW is just a wolf who’s struggling as the days go on
Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR Day 5 (6/14) + 1 - #6569 by jmw
and like this, it’s just, he’s just admitted to wanting to do busy work and for a player like him you expect them to rely more on socials as they fail to understand mechanical stuff, but here they aren’t


going backwards here:
Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR Day 5 (6/14) + 1 - #6694 by Zugzwang
Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR Day 5 (6/14) + 1 - #6231 by Zugzwang
I thought about it when I was asked this question, seriously thought about it, and I came to the conclusion that it was dumb and moved on with my life. But now I’m going through their posts and actually thinking about why they would ask this, it feels very weird to ask me in particular why it can’t be atlas, esp considering the fact that I think it’s not actually Atlas demon…why does he think it’s atlas being the demon? feels very much as though they are trying to open up the POE because they realize the current direction the game is going is losing for them.
Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR Day 5 (6/14) + 1 - #6176 by Zugzwang
Another red flag, the way I read experiniced players is looking at their reads and comparing them to mine, while also seeing if their reads make sense. I’ve thought about this method and adjusting it after it failed to accurately read May in KRC for it, when they were just pushing random buttons trying to see if anything makes sense…here, there is objectively something wrong with thinking that Mistyx can be the demon and that is that the way Jarek played doesn’t make sense if they are the demon/minions. Mistyx isn’t rude, they would absolutely ask for permission first before deciding to bus. I expect Zug to think about this type of reasoning and it feels very much like they are just trying to open wide stuff like I said previously.

Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR Day 5 (6/14) + 1 - #3843 by Zugzwang

This…is very much an indepth read that Zug made. He made in seven days ago, and JMW point about his reads feeling shallow were 5 days ago. I don’t really understand what JMW is referring to when they said their reads have been shallow or one dimesional.

Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR Day 5 (6/14) + 1 - #1101 by Zugzwang
Now that I’m reading back, I think W3 is fairly unlikely. The interaction between them doesn’t seem fake.

When I look at their posts at a whole, their reads and explanations seem perfectly fine. The major problem I have is with their direction in their reads. To my knowlege…they haven’t hard pushed one of them outted wolves, nor have they provided an actual push in a direction I agreed with for a while. Mistyx and Atlas don’t feel as though they are the demon with their play…and so I’m kinda left wondering whether they are a villager or just a wolf misreading people on purpose to open up stuff, which I guess we will see tonight.


May has so many posts. So many. I don’t want to read them all again so I will be just going through their latest posts.
Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR Day 5 (6/14) + 1 - #6758 by May
I think this is probably the most notable post though. Just a oneliner but it highlights may thought process about the game. May hates actually losing games. If May was evil with Zug, they are losing the game, they would realize they are losing the game. This is where my read will diverge depending upon what happens:
If May is the pukka, they have a decent shot at winning if they could eliminate Tutuu or Atlas today if JMW was Pukka’d. If JMW was not Pukka’d, they would need to figure out a way to eliminate JMW today, or else they would probably lose. Their posts today have been mainly focused around eliminating 22 or grandstanding about how “bionic isn’t lock evil, we need to consider every world no matter how unlikely, nya meow purr”. If JMW dies tonight then I think the world that Zug/May are both evil togther is fairly likely, yet if they don’t die tonight, then I think the current gameplan May has had today doesn’t really make sense if they wanted to win and I expect they would feel pressured to actually push/agree with my JMW push today, yet they haven’t really. Basically my read on them depends upon who dies tonight. I don’t have the energy to quote all of their posts.

You can see exactly where my energy stopped and I couldn’t write anymore but I did some research into the intersections between the living players to the best of my ability with my focus and I’ve noticed some strange occurrence

I’m scared zug is da protected

I think we live in w2

don’t worry
we have a plan for that


It’s mech optimal and we should roll with it

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fuck I was about to make the same joke

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Ah, you know FoL so well