Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR (Game Over)

technically it works in non pukka worlds instead but like


At the start of the whisper I asked him to claim his real role to me, he said Sailor, I said some bullshit about how I always know he’s lying so he should give up, he remained steadfast, then after a bit changed his mind and claimed Professor.

Referring to it as a decision that “you two” made is very silly. Until that whisper the day before yesterday I had no part in the decision, he told me nothing. I knew as much as you all did. He says he claimed Sailor because he thought counterclaiming somebody meant we would both live because we’d both be evil candidates.

I targeted Atlas last night.

a non-pukka world would mean so many things have to be exact

jmw would have to be po
tutuu would have to be used assassin
zug would have to be devil’s advocate
and may would have to be godfather

there would be no other options

You see, your post here insinuates that you made up some bullshit, why would you need to do that if you are the Sailor? No bullshit is required.

You made no attempt to push him or interject in anything to do with him claiming Sailor publicly, even after I made it clear that my info only allowed him room to claim Sailor, you still just said “yeah kill it” but didn’t make any attempt on it. I’m being faulted for not telling Icet what to choose with their Courtier ability, your close connection with Zugz this game puts you with some form of liability regarding what they’ve done this game.

This feels stupid, a Sailor shouldn’t be worried about being targeted, like ever. It works differently on the forums than in actual gameplay because a ST can decide after knowing other abilities whether or not the Sailor lives, but still, regardless, a Sailor claim isn’t made to avoid being attacked in the sense Zug has made it out to be. I feel like everything you’ve said about this feels like bullshit you strung along with quite strangely I might add.

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Back for thirty minutes

The “bullshit” part was that I would know he was lying if I were evil. Specifically, I said something along the lines of “well, if I’m claiming Sailor this vehemently, either I’m the Sailor or it’s a bluff, so give up”, but the latter isn’t really necessarily true, I claimed it super early and could’ve just been a bluffless Minion.

It’s Zug. He FPSes. Everything I said in public regarding his claim before we whispered was true: I saw plenty of room for him to be Good just doing Zug things and I couldn’t in good faith call him lock evil. I whispered him specifically to give him the chance to back out of Sailor. Anything before I whispered him I had no involvement in at all. He just counterclaimed me. Don’t blame me for that.

I’m not the one who picked me to counterclaim. That’s Zug’s problem, we had no communication about it. The only time we were “in on a secret together” was when he claimed Professor to me and I wanted him to remain alive: first so that he could use his alleged ability, and second so we could see if he died to Pukka poison.

Litten can you tell Wazza they’re being silly



i mean from my perspective it looks like the most likely explanation for what’s happening is that you let a wolf get away with hiding information for several days so i don’t think wazza is being silly right now

We are at a point where I think zug and JMW are wolves and I think the most important question we should be answering instead of shrugging it off is “is bionic actually a wolf”

i think there are too many unexplained factors if he’s not

can we agree on “if bionic is v then jmw is a minion”

because demon jmw would not claim outside of their provided bluffs




so tutuu/jmw/zug/+1

in this world who’s the demon, zug or the +1

Ice or May


how did hazard die then

don’t tell me the godfather thing i don’t accept the godfather thing

I can’t explain it

@May who did you target n3 again?

if we’re assuming bionic v → hazard died to po (this is the only logical explanation i can come up with) then may has to be good or else there would be a third po kill right

Misty moon child is lile klutz where you must choose as soon as you learned you died btw