Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR (Game Over)

/whisper Mistyx

you create :pleading_face:


is this more applicable in botc? because I used to make reads in mafia like this, and it did not go well

100% cuz of this script

what about the script does that

There are some roles that really screw over evils if they are executed

lemme grab da list

this is about the fish I did with May
where I claimed Shab

All 4 of those screw with evils a lot, and only counterplay is a DA or Mastermind depending on the role

Meanwhile all 4 of these are very painful if there is an additional unaccounted for minion

This is why removing the possibility is very important, and evils know this and will try to keep alive a suspicious Apprentice player just to sew doubt

minstrel is actually only good if you actually execute evils so its a bad role actually

how are those strong tho
I can see Minstrel, and maybe pacifist depending on how Magnus wants to run it
the other two look kinda meh

Evil or good exiling travellers instantly just feels like shit and is the exact reason I never want to be one on this server

this isnt instantly this is ~d1 execution timing

your post has actively shown me why we should keep the Apprentice alive until at least Day 2 under all circumstances

It basically is

its really not