Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR (Game Over)

You’re in my cool people list so you at least got me not voting you

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And what have you or anyone else done?

Nobody has done anything

well for one i have five peoples roles through whispers

Yes and that makes you more sus not less

Evils will whisper other evils to pass info

ive pushed on a reasonable execution, backed up by the person, ive given thoughts on the travellers and around 6 other players ive spoken to

you were in the lizards game

i whispered one evil player after i was certain we had won day four

and with neighbour whispers its hard to claim innocence for not doing so

Either you didnt listen to me or your intentionally misreading what I said

whats up

can you iso someone and tell me what you think
cause you correctly vig shot them last game

By pure chance

All vig shots are educated guesses

U dont see anyone talking about how they correctly misexecuted me D1

Prob cuz confirmation bias is a thing

It was a correct shot and I had my reasons, but I wouldn’t have those reasons here since as far as I can tell you’re less of a doomer here

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thats because correctly misexecuted is an oxymoron

im dragging the person i believe can read you better then i can here so they can give a better read on you then i can