Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR (Game Over)

Yeah cuz I dont give a shit about my role

I said this

Yeah neither do I

the coolest role in bmr is quite literally a role cop with fancy gadgets
pushing past that is probably a wiser thing to do

The coolest role is Sailor

i recommend not stating what role you are not

There are like 15 or something its fine

Goon is THE only role I like in bmr

I like being goon and hate anyone else being goon

can you iso someone here and tell me if their actions relatively line up with what made you scumread them last time

Same with heretic and saint

Its D1 so yes I will be scumread

i love anything that’s not evil, outsiders on top

Naw tinkerer sucks

if that’s true you can improve your day one game at a later date

Or marionette

Yea the way I improve it is by minposting

and thats how you’ll weaken your late game

nah it doesn’t, you don’t have to do anything

According to the hosts, if a traveller leaves the game, they’ve left the game, they don’t win, they don’t get a vote from voudon, etc. etc.

If they’re exiled, they do get the vote from voudon