Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR (Game Over)

you’re still in

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still dealing with fallout but I’ll be active in 7 or so hours


I will not divulge more information about my role

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how well do you know nuto

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IRL > mafia, no worries you haven’t been exiled. Hope everything works out OK


I don’t know anyone here except Zugzwang (same home community) and May (very little experience, only one game offsite)

but I strongly believe Nuto is a villager


oh and Geyde technically, I don’t recall playing with them but they have hosted games I have been in, if that counts.


the reason i kept pushing for you is because using nuto as a shield to divulge all sense of info-giving out to them puts the blame on them if they don’t give out other peoples info rather then you
you’d wager they’re capable of convincing?

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I wouldn’t put any of the blame on them
the reason I suggested that is that I’m aware that my understanding of this game mechanically is subpar and I could be making the wrong move. And if that is the case I trust Nuto’s judgment on the matter over mine.

Regardless of what Nuto thinks you are more than welcome to put the blame on me for not claiming or divulging information. No idea if they’d be capable of convincing as it depends on why you want this information and if it’s good or not to claim (which I see as not but could be incorrect)

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@crazynuto assuming youve read that i’d like to try and chat about it

jmw i’d recommend. showing up. using the free 3+ people whisper so you can confirm/deny divulging info about your role
you don’t have to. but you should


you mean if Nuto says something about what I said fact check it?

not free
it costs the same as a normal whisper, which is atypical

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idt it will end up being useful but can’t hurt

I’m probably not using all 5 whispers anyway

if i say something you confirm whether you want to give info to me
its the respectable thing to do when talking about other peoples roles

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which is part of why i like getting it from the devils mouth

I’ll be honest I don’t 100% follow
but I think that’s fine
what’s the format for setting this up if/when it happens

/whisper [player a] and [player b]



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