Undertale Yellow’s BOTF {XXVIII} - BMR (Game Over)


if i were to auto trust everyone i have a claim from i’d gun for zug/someone
the latter has done most of nothing all game and the only person backing them up is a bit hard to trust on the matter
i don’t know anything about zug

if i weren’t, wazza’s play rings to me as odd

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Hold on I’m still isoing you my demon give me a second

nobody except someone and bionic cared to gun for them
i was hoping you did your research

[quote=“Atlas, post:1966, topic:7929, full:true”]
nobody except someone and bionic cared to gun for them
i was hoping you did your research
I do know that, but also, it kinda felt like people thought they were evil anyway, i didn’t take detailted notes of everyones opnions on them though and mostly going off of what i remember there

hi litten


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you kinda feeling it doesn’t mean its true

im hosting, be right back.

Alright I read through it

Does anyone want to whisper to me to give me information? I’m one of the four people voting today, so giving me information that will help me figure out the best execution today would be helpful, along with the other dead players.

That seems unwise for us

Why not trust the dead players?

It seems more unwise to have someone with 1/4 of the voting power, not know who to vote, or to vote wrong.

coordinate with the dead

Yeah that’s much easier knowing what’s going on

@crazynuto can i trust your judgement on dealing with an evil cat

Crazy and me can become best buds

@Hearth if this is a legal question (can ignore if not) when was litten’s alignment decided, pregame or when he traveled in, and when was litten informed of his alignment, when it was decided or when he traveled in

Traveller alignments are decided when and if they join the game, at the same time they’re told about it in their rolecards.


but since there was a reserved slot for litten does that count as him joining the game then or did it count when he traveled in