US Election: Discussion Thread

A place to discuss the current US presidential election.
(Please refer to this thread instead of using the cookie thread.)

Results Link: US presidential election results 2024: Harris vs. Trump | Live maps, charts and the latest vote count

Members are requested to remain civil in pertinent discussions, without directly inciting conflict between one another or engaging in flame wars. The Global Rules still remain broadly in effect; in particular, the statements against discussing politics are not waived as a collective.

(This thread will be closed sometime after the election results are confirmed, or whenever topics begin to run out of hand.)

if my candidate doesn’t win I am going to give nuclear weapons to kyrgyzstan



I’ve engaged in full doomscroll mode and will not stop until I fall asleep or this shitshow is over.

I’m suing the mod team for starting Drama Mill Misc v2 without my permission.

Someone get some chloroform and save Nbowie from her doomscrolling.

go mets! the mets wil winn!!!

who’s winning

the mets

Nothing can.

Almost nothing looks good for Trump and I’m still watching a stream and flipping between news sites and social media.

without likes, too. this is gonna fuck with my ratios

hey guys. anytime you think I said something funny here, please find an (unliked) cookie thread post of mine, and like it to show support. We’re in trying times.

World politics looking real bad. Civility is practically dead.

Is this the kind of personal attack that things have come to? It’s unbelievable what politicians think is okay to say these days just because my central planning sucks ass and I am going to get killed



The numbers from Georgia right now look horrendous for Trump. He’s losing counties he won in 2020, and the margins are thinner where he won. Harris’s margins are up like across the board.

huge if true!