Vampire The Masquerade SFM: Game Thread MAFIA VICTORY

If easing my paranoia is not a valid reason, then nothing is.

I have come to a point where I keep hopping votes, and I would like to just stay on one person.

Nobody has come forward with the douse. I don’t know why I was doused, but I will most likely die tonight if I don’t kill the Arsonist today. So far… you’re my only lead.

I’m still working on that

what do you mean? if someone is a wagon we need to discuss that wagon

I dont want to sound crazy, but is it possible the arsonist doesnt know they are the arsonist

wagons that don’t have any conversation around it have a chance to be approved of by scum

Luka. I am doused. Frost doesn’t do weird shit such as “igniting a doused player vanillaizes them instead of killing them”.

I will die tonight. You know what I can do. I can’t afford to die yet. I need to ask one more question to the heavens and relay that message to you tomorrow. Only then can I die.

I would prefer that you do not die tonight yes, that is indeed very true. However, I do not believe that it will be a scum arsonist, that’s generally just to powerful lol. It’s also normally poisoner, and there are no 3Ps. Therefor, I think it’s a firebrand. Who, by chance, can hold off on igniting.

Technically yes but dismiss that theory. I don’t think a mechanic such as that would pass review.

I don’t think any of those players should be wagons.

If such is the case, then -according to what I have seen so far- Icet is secretly an Arso.

I have been feeling weird vibes from Icet ever since EOD1, and the feeling did not go away even until now. Why did he want me to live? Why is he townreading me? How can he be so relaxed after hearing out about fake roles?

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Yea Icet has been weird, and has had very little opposition

why do you town read Leafia and if you do can I have a full list of your reads

I am asking once again

Do you think I am a Mafia Arsonist who who thinks they are a fake role :sob:

IDK what to say to Someone it’s straight up a tunnel now

Yeah I think you started off as good but I’m thinking that you could be the convert.

mate your thinking i am the convert because i wanted to see you reaction.
its honestly aggrivating that your not liking me purely because i wanted to see more out of you.

do you think i am lying about townsfolk getting wrong character start of game

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lets start with that

actually cause i am not longer this anymore there’s no harm in sharing.
i started the game as a universal backup. i did not use the ability and i did not do anything during the night. and i ended up turning into something completely different

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I don’t know if you’re lying about that.
It’s possible that you did an action on N1 and that it was different to what it should be and you realised this, so said it because it helps make you look good.

beat you to the punch.

Kiiruma this is just something too risky for me to share if i was converted last night.
Like it puts a spotlight on me and its literally me saying i am not what i was during the start of the game.
if i was converted i would have just ridden the ride.

you know for a fact i hate pressure with all my figment of my being. i willingly put pressure on myself today to share that there is this bastard mechanic