Vampire The Masquerade SFM: Game Thread MAFIA VICTORY

and to follow up on you “you did nothing about it” as i said before. and as i said day 1. there were some comments i really didnt like from you and when i was asked to vote when i repeated that thought today i said i wanted a reaction out of you first before i did anything.

You stating i did nothing is a lie

Sigh… Yes, I know but look I’m a paranoid bitch. This is a game about conversion and you’re a good choice for a convert, I know you’re a very capable player mechanically. Plus if you did indeed do an action and have weird feedback for it then you’d be saying the truth anyway so that wouldn’t end up putting pressure on you and it would make you look good if others are in that position too.

and again if i was evil why would i out that

I would’ve wanted you to say a bit more on me considering I had like 4/5 votes on me at that point. So I felt like you not doing anything at that point was weird. Since I feel like you would’ve looked at the wagons and realised that something was wrong especially with how you know me as a player.

To make yourself look good.

do you want me to vote you instead?

i actively didnt vote you cause i wasnt sure. i wanted to see your reaction to the big wagon. and apparently your reaction was blaming me for it

i know you as a botc player, mafia is much different.

i out a mechanic in this game that can really hinder the good team on the second day as evil

I know that you know me as a player. So I wanted you to think whether it made sense for me to be on such a high vote count that close to SoD, which if you think about it… it doesn’t, at all. I don’t know perhaps it was my mind just being like “We’ve played together enough, moreso in BotC but he still knows me in FM so why isn’t he saying anything to stop this when it shouldn’t make sense to him?”

the fact your acting offended by this and the reason your voting me is purely out of emotional distraught it seems. ie. being hurt that i didnt defend you when you had 4 votes on the board close to sod. probably means your town who is just upset his friend didnt run to save him.
but to put it simply, it was start of day. shit can change. i wanted to see what your reaction was to a big vote cause my reads on you usually happen when you have pressure put on you. that is the same as botc which is why i usually am able to call you out as demon when your on the block.
if you think i am converted i wanna list two things before i continue

  1. i decided to push my friend instead of trying to get them converted later on :confused:
  2. my reads never changed, i never brought anything new to the table today i said some messages felt weird yesterday and i said they felt weird today as well. nothing new happened
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i am more offended you lied about my actions tbh more then anything.

1 - I’m not voting you, haven’t voted you this game. Just expressed paranoia of you being a potential convert.
2 - I wasn’t lying about your actions, I just was surprised that when I was a big wagon you weren’t really saying anything. And factually you were around while I was a big wagon but you weren’t doing anything as you ‘wanted to see my reaction’ according to yourself here so I wasn’t wrong here :stuck_out_tongue:

i literally did say something tho.
i stated i agree with Luka some of your comments were weird and when i was asked to vote i said no i wanted to see your reaction.
that is literally something

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and do you still think i am converted after all the evidence i have given you that i am probably not

Eh, I guess my mind was just expecting something more off of precedence so I overlooked that maybe. I guess we’ve both been a bit wrong about things each other have done (You thinking I’ve voted you, me being surprised about you not doing anything / enough)

I don’t think you are, I had a paranoid bitch moment and I’m probably gonna have that at multiple times this game lol

Yeah this is why I hate conversion I love being converted but if you’re not known you won’t get converted it’s unpleasant


im gonna go to my dnd thing. i’ll read during my down times but i wont be writing as much during then

i was gonna read back on leafia but kiiruma was distracting