Vampire The Masquerade SFM: Game Thread MAFIA VICTORY

i can do something about icet tonight so vote kiiruma

Early votes are much less meaningful

You can kill him?


You said your role is weak

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anticlaim bluff

On top of this why do you want to kill Icet?

I want to kill icet its fairly clear hes evil in my eyes

Shit like this is why i never give opinions

It’s still helpful to do so.
Lets us read you easier.
You’re probably good atm

Fuck no its not helpful. Me giving reads almost got me killed d1 again

I’ve provided my reads and it’s gotten me sussed but it’s still helpful for town if other people know where my mind’s at.

Fuck that, only thing it’s helpful for is giving people a justification to vote me

There is no point in having a read if it’s ignored

Not true.
Once you’re dead then town can (And should) read over your ISO once they know you’re on the level.
It’s why I provide reads even if people disagree with them.
It provides a fresh perspective.

Like does anybody like my reads this game? Most people don’t lmao.
But I don’t care because they’re my reads.

That’s not what did it Someone.

Once im dead, i get forgotten

Yes it did, every time i have had even the smallest opinion d1 i almost die (or just die outright)

It literally isn’t. It’s your whole attitude of refusing to make reads at all that does it.

Get off Bionic and onto Kiiruma people.