Vampire The Masquerade SFM: Game Thread MAFIA VICTORY

I hope people will realize the truth too.

Ok it’s literally 5 minutes either i die to this or anticlaim

I’m a wierd BotC Steward mixed with 3 weaker JoaT abilities sharing 1 ammo between them, I know Leafia was a starting good player so that’s why im going with them

If people followed my read, then I would consider making them more. As it stands right now, its just against my best interests to make reads early on

Vote Kiiruma please.

ah bro what is this

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Bro wtf why do you actually have an ability

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Ain’t no shot you have that much and I have fucking nothing, nah mate

Am I the only person with an actual ass ability

beacuse it’s my role?

You do? How? I’m curious.

No, I hate my ability lmao

I am practically vanila

Trust me the joat abilies are sorta weak

Magnus as well to my knowledge. I think there was 1-2 more but I forgot whom.

I absolutely do not believe that unironically bro

Oh same.

Did you not get the memo about my ability?

Mate you claimed you could kill don’t try it lol

My ability is bad, and its AWFUL with me