Vampire The Masquerade SFM: Game Thread MAFIA VICTORY

and I am willing to cross-vote that tbh



Uh. Please donā€™t.

ok, but you do realize that if town votes a town itā€™s probably over right?

Not even close. It may even be better to noexe today. This is mylo and not lylo after all.

I hate that I want this because in my mind I just want Leafia to be a wolf so I can be like ā€œI told you all so.ā€ but Iā€™d rather Wazza not rush into it.

Iā€™m not going to, was just making it clear that I am willing

Yup, if youā€™re both town I think this game is lost anyways.
Also, the game isnā€™t confirmed to be over, unless thereā€™s 2 strongarm kills.

I didnā€™t think of No-Exe.

Wazzas evil youā€™re starting to look evil.

Starting evils are probably the slankers they got away with it so easily and didntā€™ convert the person who was literally claiming to be confirmable. Come on.

Leafia we have had multiple people claim since SoD.
We do not know what the anticlaim is.
We are in ā€œMyLoā€ instead of LyLo because itā€™s 4 wolves not 5.
This does not mean we have space to wait anymore due to the amount of claimers.

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A town voting a town is bad but as long as two villagers donā€™t vote villagers, I think weā€™ll be safe.

so, letā€™s say I voted someone who is also town then the wolves will just jump on that vote and wonā€™t comply with your little game (if I crossvoted with a wolf)

Leafia often blindly trusts their townreads from my meta thoughts on them, but Iā€™ve not seen that once here, Leafia is going in for this on their own, now I could be wrong but the Leafia I know would blindly trust a townread so much theyā€™d vote in LyLo if they just told them to.

This is just from the posts Iā€™ve seen, I couldā€™ve easily missed quite a bit

which is why we discuss suspects

See, the problem with this logic is that itā€™s possible the conversion keeps roughly the same abilities, so they mightve just wanted a town. Iā€™m also not seeing how Iā€™m starting to look evil here at all, I can provide games in which I encouraged an early cross for LYLO. Early crosses help us decide votes, also I donā€™t think the game is over if we vote incorrectly.

If wolves have like, 3 KP then I would be kind of suprised.

Maybe if people didnā€™t casually claim we wouldnā€™t need to consider possibilities like that lol

Yeah, but youā€™re not really answering my question. Whoā€™s wolf if you arenā€™t? Idgi
I canā€™t see a world where my teams are incorrect, so Iā€™m encouraging a cross there.