Vampire The Masquerade SFM: Game Thread MAFIA VICTORY


SO I know Iā€™m town and youā€™re making demands of me and acting like youā€™re infallible. From my perspective, youā€™re barking up the wrong tree. Sure to you I probably look super evil whatever got the pitchfork and everything. But under no circumstances am I caving into a demand that might lose me the game from someone whose only interaction with me this entire game is to call me evil over and over again.

Leafia is mech town off of bionic, and I doubt they were converted ^^.

Kiiruma, if we didnā€™t have space to wait, then it wouldnā€™t be mylo. It would be lylo and we had claimers since D2, like me. Yet no one has died to anticlaim to the best of my knowledge.

oh sh I missed that

I can give you a bit more if you wanā€™t. So, hereā€™s my perspective. In probably a second, I need to create the post lol.

already done

of course I plan to dig deeper, but Iā€™ve given my answer based on the interactions I remember

If that happens, wolfteam is outed with 5 votes on a villager and needing 6 to exe.

I guess that would be lylo then?

Lemme checkā€¦ 11 players
Assumption is 7 town and 4 mafia (Iā€™m dropping the 3P theory)

Maj of 11 is 6, soā€¦
No? We lose if 2 town votes a 3rd town

Yup. Lylo is if we vote incorrectly we lose.

I see, but I still donā€™t want to vote without actually discussing suspects

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Going to head out for a bit now too. :sleepingleafeon:

basically no snap voting


This always comes from town I feel. :sleepingleafeon:

Iā€™m going to have to move some furniture in a little bit

At the start of the game you just called yourself confirmed town w/o really any rhyme or reason. It felt like trying to project being towny while not doing anything, which I did call out, which makes you saying that Iā€™m just calling you evil with no interaction a bit weird, given Iā€™m actively calling out things. Like, you did this for a wihle too.

This post feels pretty akaward as well, IMO a town going with this gimmick would just continue to say ā€œIā€™m confirmed townā€ rather than it comes true later. Your post following that shows once again, thought into your posts, when in my experience town just says what they wanā€™t.

This shows kind of a lack of fear towards anti-claim mechanics that I see in most towns, when they are prevenlant and exists. Which, I normally donā€™t see coming from a town perspective.

You said you wanā€™t to be converted, and this feels like TMIing the conversion mechanic could be due to anti claim. I brought up conversion due to it sure, but at the same time once agian you didnā€™t feel any fear towards potential anti-claim mechanics.

You also seem kind of afraid to accuse me as evil here, not really doing much. I donā€™t get the logic behind saying Iā€™m trying to look busy by doing something when IMO, itā€™s an actual case against you. You donā€™t deny the cases either, like, I would suspect a town here would just continue with the ā€œIā€™m unconvertable!ā€ gimmick.

You keep on bringing this up as if this is what Iā€™m doing towards you as well, but at the same time you still lost the gimmick from early game which a town normally doesnā€™t use. In addition to that, I had fair reasons to supect you which you just waved off, and good reasons at that IMO.

This feels TMIish given I think most of the poeple who entered thread RN are town at the time. And itā€™s also going back on what you said earlier, which feels like trying to gain a town read from audacity. Iā€™m going to go towards the end of the ISO since I donā€™t want to be accused of just looking at things earlier on.

Calling Wazza evil here w/o reason or rhyme feels like trying to capitalize on my earlier suspicion of Wazza without really doing much here, I donā€™t get the incentive to do such a thing.

Itā€™s not just that you have no reads, itā€™s that you actively feel like youā€™re not trying to do anything. I already brought the meta argument up multiple times this run, and itā€™s like your scared to case people. You arenā€™t really giving reasoning for any of your ā€œreadsā€ here either other than it just is.

Also, this feels like TMIing me town in this post.

I also hate posts like this, last time I saw one I instantly voted it. Anybody asking to be Shot/Bombed/Voted ect. is >rand wolf simply because wolf wants to get town read off of having no "fearā€™ or things like that. It just feels really bad.

Calling Wazza wolf later on and then having them as town here once again feels like fear towards actually voting.

I can continue this, but either way saying I have no case against you is just bullshit and makes me feel bad. Iā€™ve actively been trying all game, and for somebody to just dismiss my effort with ā€œyouā€™ve just been calling me evil!ā€ is. Yeah.

Then, in your world my teams should be correct. So, I donā€™t get why youā€™re so reluctant here. I also believe that at the very least Me / Sunny are v/v, so I donā€™t really know about these teams.

because Iā€™m not snap voting just because you suspect me

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