Vampire The Masquerade SFM: Game Thread MAFIA VICTORY

Do you want to get voted

I can vote you and we can either end the game right here or we can argue about how weā€™re the villager in the dome

My point made

Youā€™re saying me and wazza is a difference check. There exists the possibility that that isnā€™t the case weā€™re both T the moment either of us votes the other itā€™s over, just sayinā€™

Like I donā€™t like wazza, right, but thatā€™s like for my own bullshit reasons that arenā€™t really based on reality and I know that

Well I mean I have my reasons but as far as FM players are concerned thatā€™s basically what it is

I would love for you to vote me, I really would, but Iā€™m not all too convinced youā€™re scum.

If youā€™d love to test your theory, feel completely free, but if youā€™re town, then itā€™s over for all of us.

That doesnā€™t inspire confidence

What, do you want me to convince you to vote me?

Why tf would I do that, Iā€™m not stupid, I donā€™t want to get involved in a dome with a player Iā€™m not going to pretend I think is scum

I think you could easily flip scum, honestly I do, but Iā€™m much more confident in other players

bruh what if I vote luka

Iā€™d be unsure because Luka is the obvious convert target of the game, but Iā€™m more confident of you being starting scum

Nooooooo I think Iā€™ve done enough damage since yesterday Iā€™ll let someone with more competance handle this one

Woulda loved to have been I donā€™t even know if Iā€™m supposed to be a fuckin vampire or not

It was 11:30PM when you said that. Iā€™m tired

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I am probably the most illogical vote because placing me on any team doesnā€™t exactly make much sense.

There have been a few things this game which are inconsistant with W!Me which Hazard noted D2 considering us both and Leafia notes yesterday. Including the fact that Leafia (Despite being a very good convert target, wasnā€™t convertedā€¦ so she could push me).

point stuff like that out means youā€™ve considered it

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Correct, Iā€™ve considered it because I had initially been tentative on Hazard but I realised that if he was a wolf he wouldnā€™t be pushing on me, heā€™d just convert me (And same vice versa, which is what helped me to realise this)

And then the Leafia thing was something which just makes sense. Why would you not convert a green peeked villager? So that they keep pushing wrong worlds.

Iā€™m back, but I donā€™t know for how long

You can be both V but if so IMO the game is kind of unsolvable?
Like, IDK. Felt like town blundered to early and to quick, and I donā€™t think I can take blame when none of the kills were kills I wanted.

Its for this reason idt I was converted BTW.
Look at any conversion game prior to this on FoL, the ā€œobviousā€ target really never gets chosen?