Vampire The Masquerade SFM: Game Thread MAFIA VICTORY

So we have cult leader and mafia ability thief

As far as I understand it roleblocking didn’t stop conversion anyway

The first suggestion was to only make the first conversion unstoppable, the second conversion wouldn’t.

I also had a 1-night cooldown, it was for unlimited uses and Eliza advised me to make conversions only lasts for two uses.

A cooldown would have being still better so it won’t conver two towns in just two nights, speaking of which. It also disrupted the balance. I think one goon would have been better for here on.

Especially on 15 players game.


So I better grab some books and learn some goddamn degrees

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I think a convert immune role wouldn’t have been amiss

(Casual by the way, not frustrated)

@Frostwolf103 @ElizaThePsycho
Tysm for hosting!
@Jarek @Icetfeelspain @Kiiruma
Sorry if this game wasd a bit frustrating for yall.


ye fair
the goon wasn’t supposed to have the +1 kill anyways

I forgot you aaa~~

Wasn’t really frustrating, just felt like I was ignored for most of it. Nobody interacted with me other than to call me evil and completely ignore everything I said.

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The setup was transparently gonna be pretty silly and a lot of people had clearly signed up for the game just so it would fill, I wasn’t gonna be clearing anybody off of lack of WiM LOL

Fair :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

You said the goon could use some more power and I have no fresh ideas.

For 15 players yeah I think the KPN was way out of acceptable levels as well.

Thats why I am limiting the town killings such as burnout, non-consecutive (odd) and 1-shot dayvig

Doubly worse by the fact that i HAD THE CORRECT WORLD and also CORRECTLY POINTED OUT TMI


after a while i thought agreed on the watcher

Well yes, but actually no

Town is correct, until May isn’t anymore


this seems backwards but we needed more silly frost games

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I may be silly, but what I need is some knowledge in designing setups so it can retain some silliness but not as broken.

Just looked at the mafia team why the fuck is it gigabuffed