Vampire The Masquerade SFM: Game Thread MAFIA VICTORY

Sorry lmao, I didn’t want to let Sunny die after they converted me so they don’t die </3


I mean now you know that I was fully right about the meta :stuck_out_tongue:

If Sunny or you were evil you’d convert the other.
Because myself and Hazard would do the same.

I had 3/4 because I was paranoid on Gorta but my more confident 2 were for sure Childe and Luka due to meta™. Overall we did fine, we got swept but having some right reads and a hiccup or two is understandable ^-^

I love sunny, probably wouldn’t convert them </3

This is true tho. I never doubted that, but who else do I case :D

Martial Artist (makes people immune to Minion abilities) with no Minions in game

look i knew kiiruma was never starting evil as soon as i wasnt converted. and i knew mag or may weren’t starting evil once i died XD.

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Friend connections work well in conversion. friends want other friends to have fun.

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why am I called out

I mean that’s why I thought it was ok

what happened

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One sec

Zone argues I should’ve passed it off which is true

if wolves had conversion it’s fine to have the town a smidge overloaded with kp
conversion kinda crazy

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yeah it’s closed you should announce potential godfathers existence

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arsonist math is a bit weird because they are very sink or swim
if you want to reduce potential annoyance in processing EV you can make them also a death arsonist

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Ye fair

It’s effectively a n3 vig here tho

Just that it has to select n1

I know nothing about the setup but I’d be surprised if it turned out that bad

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It didn’t turn out that bad