Vampire The Masquerade SFM: Game Thread MAFIA VICTORY

well whatever

we are all to blame here, so donā€™t beat yourself up too much Jarek

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Gorta, I am 100% not the others here.
I was on Childeā€™s ass multiple times smh :stuck_out_tongue:

I know, but I feel like if there were multiple voices pushing Childe it might have been better

and that could have been me if I was here, but I wasnā€™t here for most of the day

At the end of the day we all make mistakes and we can learn from em. I shouldā€™ve voted but I didnā€™t and you shouldā€™ve holstered but didnā€™t. This thing happens. Honestly we came to some good realisations even if we didnā€™t act on it fully :ghosthug:

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The one thing I have positive to say is I was right

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But I didnā€™t believe in myself because I never usually am


also @Jarek I say Iā€™m upset and I partially am, but I wonā€™t stay upset and I donā€™t think you threw the game

Exactly and I can say that too somewhat. I was wrong on some things but I got some things right and I showed I can be active and fight. And I will do more!

just donā€™t beat yourself up over it

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The more I look at this game and see how icet was progressing I have to say I think I did

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I really do apologise

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I had 3/4 of the team in my wolf team

I had all 4

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gah why didnā€™t I believe myself

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rip, yeah, Iā€™ve had moments like that

He didnā€™t snap vote, he voted after 23 hours of me trying to manipulate him to.

thereā€™s always the next game



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