Vampire The Masquerade SFM: Game Thread MAFIA VICTORY

You don’t understand what I’m saying.

I’m explicitly making the point that naively, having one less partner in the game is technically worse for your wincon, but killing your partners still often ends up being optimal. Similarly, naively, dying is technically worse for your wincon, but dying (or bluffing wanting to die) can still often end up optimal.

You are being extremely obtuse about this and I heavily dislike that you’re implying that you’re confirmed town for saying “please kill me” etc

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i am now using all my 12 abilties on abbi

Thank you bunny I’m glad i asked you

You know i self resolve since i hard claimed and I’m acting on zone who can verify my ability lol

Or I’m baiting wolfs

Or both

Or neither

Either way what I’m doing is beneficial to TOWN not woofs any other interpretation of my play is just wrong

I’d believe you if you didn’t try so hard to convince me.

This argument we’re having doesn’t progress the game in my books and is just arguing for arguments sake, a wolf is propelling this argument I’m sure of that

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I love arguing~

sometimes you play a part and sometimes that part is the wolf who “slips up”, as someone who has been playing this for a while I’ve seen that play all the time

The question is how does zone confirm you in a game with conversion?

Now you suddenly have a will to survive?

“zone can confirm my ability”, but how do we confirm that you won’t just convert zone if you are evil? or if you are both evil?

mechanics alone won’t save you

I don’t follow mechanics in games with conversion

Or worse: “What if I want her to visit me, when in reality I can’t confirm her ability?”

that too

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but I will not clear someone from mechanics