Vampire The Masquerade SFM: Game Thread MAFIA VICTORY

Yep, I think this is a good thing to note.
Anti-claim typically is a kill so I think Gorta’s posts are fine when it comes to the topic.

However, it is possible that it could be anything… Juttering Watchtower’s anticlaim was pain and basically made people vanillized (but worse) without them knowing it.


so abi may not w/w

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I think Abi is fine for now. Yes, Abi did a claim.
Do I think it’s Abi’s character? No. Do I think it’s AI? Not really.
I very typically end up claiming in games quickly so I’m gonna try not to for a while at least.

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How accurate do we think anticlaim needs to be to hit?

Like what has it been historically

As I’ve discussed a tiny bit prior to this.
The most typical form of anticlaim links to kills (Could be strongman/ninja too)
But it can include roleblocking / arbitrary information / basically anything

Heck we could have the Lying Darkness, but I doubt it.

If anybody else claims I will explode them badly with my mind before anticlaim can do it

I don’t trust it not to be overtuned

no but like how accurate do they need to be to trigger

I claim town.

it differs depending on st.

I claim Nya

BotChead detected

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Oh, hm, I’ve seen hosts doing it differently quite a bit there.

I feel like say for example (Literally going to use last game for an example) you’re a mason. Then saying something like “I know (x) is good” could potentially cause that for some hosts but others might want something a bit more precise because otherwise it can be a cop, so you need to work out what sort of ability a person has.

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and i would have gotten away with it too if it wasnt for you Blah blah blah blah

Anticlaim is a mafia ability. They already know everybody’s alignment. “Acting as a cop” is a non-issue.

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Yes but cops don’t know who the mafia are :stuck_out_tongue: So a mason knows people they can trust and a cop can know people they can trust by greenchecking em

Oh, I misunderstood what you said. Sorry.

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If my history of fm has taught me anything it’s never read into people who go after themselves with no valid reason

That would be annoying but whatever I’m submitting it anyways

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