Vampire The Masquerade SFM: Game Thread MAFIA VICTORY

Yes, conversion is more important IMO.

If my role is going to be announced and guaranteed anti-claim bait anyway why not push my luck and get some information out while town still has a majority based on how mafia react and what their anti-claim does to me

I donā€™t like anybody so far which is shocking lol.

Except Leafia, but sheā€™s a good wolf.

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Iā€™m truly thinking in 4D chess.

5D even. Iā€™m practically a genius.

What if you get converted by the unknown mechanics though lol. Thatā€™s just a really bad idea.

But then Iā€™d be converted and thatā€™d be funny as well

But that would also be bad lol.

Guys I was sleeping last night and a spirit told me the wolf team Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s Zone, Icet and Abigail Iā€™ll see you at the end of the game when this is 3/3


there might actually be 4 wolves so put Jarek in there because lol

But I would be laughing and that is good

ngl its prob 1-2 starting evils

Meh. Not sure I love how Wazza changed there read on that.
Chances are Jarek / Leafia are V so far, leaving it off of that.

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oh thereā€™s conversion

womp womp

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Can I know why you think this?

yep, it makes sense

Conversion doesnā€™t confirm though that thereā€™s 1-2 starting evils, there could easily be 3-4 and maybe a neut converter. Theirs 100% not 1 at least.

*squints eyes*

Wait a minute. This is a game with conversion though. One that passed review at that.

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you want the honest answer on why I did it or the bs one I just made up in my head just then

The latter.