Vampire The Masquerade SFM: Game Thread MAFIA VICTORY

I mean it might be a 1 shot conversion or something

Imagine 14v1 :rofl:


@Someone hihi, you there?

ohmygod haiiiii :333

Haiii :3
Do I know you oomfie?

Y’know, this makes me question whether the OP meant there are no starting neut, or no neut period.

it came to me in a dream


don’t burn the poor goat

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whats up

Oh, I don’t read OPs to be honest :p.
Shrug, still 100% not one scum though.

You’re ignoring me here >.<

Burn the goat!

To be honest I figured that was you, but I wasn’t positive~. Hi Cutie ^^

I already answered it when I talked to somebody else, im not going to repeat myself

The former?

evil behavior, unfortunately i will have to dayvig you d1 :pensive:

Yeah, but I’m not sure why it would ever be one scum here is my main gripe.

In that case 3 wolves is fair, but 4 would definitely be a stretch.

If there is any role that can prevent conversion, please visit me tonight.

