Video Game Upick Invitational 16er [Day 4] (6/17) [Mafia + Shopkeeper wonnered!!!]

yeah like Apo said that’s um. because we are

this game has been incredibly slow

Guava not responding to my reads, this is so sad

I don’t have anything to say about them but you did at least contribute so I’m gonna go vote the other wolf claim instead

VOTE: Bylamir

dropping my readlist now that everyone has posted at least a little

guava (I can see my role)

Apo (would be higher if I wasn’t worried about her reaction to Jormok’s gimmick. but I don’t have anything to juxtapose that with. It just felt weird.)
Hazzy (gut)
Kanave (her vote felt opportunistic but everything else feels like t!Kanave so I’m willing to chock it up to Kanave hating me and wanting to see me suffer)

Jormok (I can’t read this guy)
Scoot (post more)
Demisha (world ender vineboom)
Anthem (post more)

Kiiruma (didn’t like his opener it felt like he was trying to psych us out :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones:)
Eliza (didn’t like her reaction to my opener and then she didn’t contribute anything I could remember. I’m probably going to ISO her because I can’t remember a single post that wasn’t in like the first 100)
Merpy (Merpy likes to do this thing as an evil where she sort of leads town to the right conclusion but phrases it like a question. You can see this in posts like #688 where she says “I agree it is a weird thing to claim as scum. However, isn’t it possible that they’re just town and lying? I can’t validate what they’re saying as true or false, but they can easily be lying, no? Maybe I’m misunderstanding :thinking:” about Jormok which leads me to believe that Jormok is town if this is scum. She also does this to Kork in post #755 when they were talking about world ender “Masons see each other. That innocent that they see wouldn’t see them back, so how is it Masons? (Basically, I am saying it is 1-way pairing knowledge). :thinking:”. It doesn’t really feel like she’s solving anything as much as she already knows it and is trying to lead us to the solution, like a math teacher who asks you leading questions to make you figure out how to solve a math problem)

Bylamir (claimed wolf)
Kork (claimed wolf)

VOTE: MerpyDerpy

yes I know I have Bylamir lower but I just think it’s funny to put Bylamir and Kork in the scum pile for saying they’re wolves if I’m speaking fr they’re both null

I thought I didn’t have any strong reads and then I ISO’d Merpy

wait I just realised I didn’t write anything here
I moved Merpy from townlean after I ISO’d her so I forgot anything else was up there
writing now sm

YBW (I asked them who their partners were and they said me and the two hosts which is incredibly townie because I am town)
Doodleshy (gut + post 70. though they need to post more)

Drinks (actually felt like they were trying to play the game for once. not to say there wasn’t shitposting, but it felt like they were actually trying to solve sometimes, like in 523 and 946)

guava would you take me off scum if I unclaimed wolf :pleading_face:


if anything that makes you look actually scummy

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yeah I know LOL we’ve had this talk before

Glad i wasnt the only one to think that. But he has had weirder openings as town before.

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I know that’s why I didn’t push on it

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Hazzy have you posted reads yet

Cool. Just popping in before I sleep to say: Bylamir is town-ish, guava is town who doesn’t know how to read into some things (including myself)

What else do you think I’m failing at