Video Game Upick Invitational 16er [Day 4] (6/17) [Mafia + Shopkeeper wonnered!!!]

Nice. Kiiruma sharing thoughts strikes again :D

If I just shut up this game I’d have done a better job for town. So sorry for existing

Unless I’m misunderstanding your point, Kork got off the hook similar to how Jormok did, and they flipped town. It’s very possible that Jormok is in the same boat. I felt like Jormok was town, so I didn’t vote them. It’s possible that wolves got Jormok (their partners in this case) off the stand, but I think it’s unlikely.

Okay I won’t be able to read until the evening. I will try to catch up then!

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it’s fine im almost done im sure the code will work and i can get to playing mafia (foreshadowing)

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dont ate pls, no matter your alignment or if it was intentional or not, i dont really wanna deal with it much this game

make code that lets you catch wolves
something like


You’re okay! It’s fine! Your thoughts are very much appreciated and I will always appreciate any input in trying to solve this game! Please continue sharing okay? Please?

*I am very easily guilt tripped, aaaaa*

The fuck i do there thought that was gonna slash through it…


If only you made that code actually work for you. The beta test seems to be faulty

my entire family is being held at gunpoint and if you dont vote kiiruma they will ALL die please do it or else its your fault and only yours


See, when it’s satire/joke I can tell… sometimes

Like, I am gullible and easy to manipulate and easy to guilt… i am also prone to do what’s funny and less viable (so long as I think it doesn’t outright throw games)

Just realized you here… WHAT’S YOUR ROLE!




Listen to meeeeeeee

Accurate representation of YBW leading town again tomorrow after I flip:

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I hope this made them panic slightly, and also confused them… and then they realized something.

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Is… is it blank cause my phone doesn’t have the best wifi in this building

Nvm, I see it, lmao that’s great

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