Video Game Upick Invitational 16er [Day 4] (6/17) [Mafia + Shopkeeper wonnered!!!]

I’m not against talking. I just don’t want to mess things up more

The NPC is compelled to vote against me. And all I’ve gained today that’s helpful is YBW is TWTBAW and so is town.

Compelled? Nah, it was random chance, just bad luck sadly, wish it was on me instead.

I’m only calling Employee a NPC as it’s not controlled by any of the original players I believe and I do recognise that someone is therefore controlling the slot.

No. Compelled. Mechanically

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That bot has to vote for me unless I die.

Yep, then it will re random

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Yeah. I’m just saying that its not random that I was chosen

The card said it was not controlled by any original players, iirc. You’re right

Yeah that’s just not true. It was pure random. Unless you think Fate is like an actual god or something and said “fuck you in particular”

I’m telling you. My card caused this.

OH that makes much more sense… You’re either lucky or unlucky then, got it.

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The fact which will be proven should I continue to live. Since it will vote me tomorrow

Makes sense, Makes sense. I won’t ask for an answer, nor do I want you to answer this, but I am assuming your passive forces anything that randomly targets to target you.

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My role is RNGsus take the wheel basically.

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That sounds super fun, honestly. I would love that role.

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I’m a wizard :)

Oh I love it. But didn’t think I’d get an immediate perma vote against me lol

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Also a half-giant… and on the PS1!

If you live, I’ll let you go to Hogwarts.

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Unless it is better for me to send someone else… wouldn’t know who though.