Video Game Upick Invitational 16er [Day 4] (6/17) [Mafia + Shopkeeper wonnered!!!]

Ibuki is good… Toko is where it is at though.

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I Popped Out A Baby But I Have No Idea Who The Father Is!


Super valid

I hit the wros button like 3 times i hate mobile

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I have to say the pre-edit is 10x funnier.


“I popped out the baby but have no idea who the baby is”
Like, HM. I wonder who it is.
A tale of amnesia… or lycanthropy, and the mother is a werewolf but doesn’t recognise their baby like that.

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Yeah I forgot that not everyone is like best friends with me and just knows what I mean when I say things :skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones:



Then how about you stop murdering me in BotC and we can be friends? Also no, for sure I’ve not betrayed you, consistently and not vice versa

I have a question for u Kiiruma, if u had to give any reasons that show that you’re not being wolfy, what would they be if any?

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Kinda but not ready for it yet, i see where you’re coming from tho

Immediately after this post is townie just bc its a dejavu of what happened in AMQ game lol nvm gonna hold off on that Kiiruma vote for a while longer ybw

Kiiruma stonks rising, i mostly agree except on the Guava read, I still dislike Guava’s slot but i’m willing to leave that aside for tomorrow

I think it’s more important to resolve Jormok and Bylamir, not sure if they’ve posted yet still backreading but if they haven’t i’d like to hear something from them

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have fun backreading <3

Wait you’r eright wtf LMAO my brain saw me in 4, said “yeah that seems about right for Kiiruma’s read on me” and completely omitted the 6 entry

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This is false I don’t know why a select number of people kept thinking Kork was acting wolfy in my eyes he never was and he was just getting ganged up by those select few who were having a giant confirmation bias :tm: moment so they thought he was wolfy due to his non wolfy responses

Wrong? How have I been sowing chaos tf??
I actively steered away from Kork’s vote yesterday and was very clear that I disliked Guava’s slot and why, that was literally the entirety of my participation in D1

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Idk what this means but maybe it means it wants 5 likes on this post?

@ people like that post