presented by sulit

What is Wavelength?
Having first appeared on this forum as an event in the wonderous game of FAM3, Wavelength is a game in which teams of players attempt to guess a number from 1 to 21 based on a word or phrase a team member gives them given a category.

For Example!
We have a team of four: Annie, Arnold, Alex, and Anna. Anna is the Psychic this round, which means she is the one that will think of a word. Anna is given the category Hot to Cold. Anna is told that the number is 16. Anna tells her team ā€œliving in Alaskaā€ because that seems pretty cold, but not to the extreme (do not reply to this and argue with me). Her team then has to try and guess a number from 1 to 21 given her hint, and get as close to 16 as possible.

How do I win, sulit?

Whoever gets the most points after all players have been the Psychic wins!

Points are based on how close your team guesses to the correct number. If your team gets the exact number, you get 4 points. 1 away is 3 points, 2 away is 2 points.

But thereā€™s more! The other teams can get points by guessing if the correct number is higher, lower, or the same as other teamā€™s guessed numbers. If they are correct, they gain 1 point per team they were correct on.

Phase Lengths and More Instructions

  • There will be two phases during the game:

  • Guessing Phase is when the teamā€™s Psychic recieves their category, chooses their word, and then their team submits a guess.

  • Higher or Lower Phase is when other teams guess at whether the actual number is higher or lower than other teamā€™s guesses.

  • Both phases will last 24 hours

  • If all teams are finished before the 24 hours and wish to skip the phase, then, if all teams vote to skip, the phase will end.

  • DO NOT attempt to make stupid words or phrases that obviously hint at the number youā€™re trying to get your team to guess like ā€œa pillow thats about 17/21 softā€

  • Team discussion will be held and categories/numbers/words will be given in forum DMs

  • Categories will be randomly chosen from a pre-made list of categories

  • Phases will start/end at 7 PM EST

  • To join the game you must find a team of four, or I can place you in a ā€œlooking for teamā€ category. (You can come up with a team name if you want thatā€™d be funny)


  1. Team :joy_cat: (@Arete, @Chloe, @katze, @Marshal)
  2. Gay Space Animals (@May, @TodaysStory, @Arctic, @tutuu)
  3. Jon Bois (@YoubutWorse, @Wazza, @Squirrel2412, @Magnus)
  4. The Winning Team (@Achromatic, @Litten, @Kabazame, @thepigeonnyc)
  5. Her Highness and the Royal Guards (@Rajidae, @PrincessAbigail, @guavagudetama, @beancat)

Looking for a Team

  1. Cape90
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I feel like that isnā€™t 16


good thing im not on ur team then


assembling the gay space animals at this very moment


this is true, we invented wavelength

@marshal @chloe is it time to revive team :joy_cat:

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@Litten @Magnus When you think about it solving this game is a lot like solving a BotF



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Iā€™m game if youā€™re game

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/looking for team

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yoooooooooo team joycat yes im in

this could be fun but also excruciatingly painful but that;'s ok i am down for both

does anybody want to be my friendā€¦



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chupie is taken


arctic we are offering you a position




You should join our team we are very cool


are there 2 teams max for the game or unlimited number of teams?

iā€™m assuming unlimited lol

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who wants to be in my team I LOVE WAVELENGTH