Weekly Monday Discussion #4 - User Presence

this is just like 1984
(it is for the better)

I ch/\ck/\d who vot/\d for what and th/\r/\’s no /\vid/\nc/\ of foul play - *th/\ l/\tt/\r ‘/\’ will b/\ disabl/\d /\v/\rywh/\r/* . Th/\ thr/\ad will r/\main op/\n for discussion, but unl/\ss we find a solid, bug-fr//\ way to /\nabl/\ it again on a thr/\ad-by-thr/\ad basis, it will r/\main off.

Thanks a ton for giving your input, /\v/\rybody.




to the other 11 ‘enable in every thread’ voters

i love you


Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.


actually so down for this, that thing is a stain

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May I ask why you think I voted what I did. Or why you think I voted at all

Well established story lore. I dont like voting in polls.

You like cookie thread and talking to people.

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no i dont i hate talking to people

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Do you hate talking to me as well?


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can i bring up a new discussion point

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we need ideas for next monday


Too bad. Your boyfriend/girlfriend likes talking to me …

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I cant tell if youre being respectful towards may or youre just unaware that hes who im dating


can we reserve not releasing wolf chat for special occasions and instead make it default that wolf chats are always released? recently it’s felt like wolf chats have been kept private more than they’ve been released which feels against the spirit of the game in my opinion. i think wolves should have the option to not release it with consideration from the host on a case-by-case basis, with adequate reasoning required. i was motivated to bring this up after i began to suspect that wolf chats were not being released because the mafia team did not want people to know how they played as mafia, which feels especially egregious to me. and i also feel like if wolves are saying stuff that they don’t want to be released to an extent that it can’t be resolved by deleting messages then that makes me think there is a whole other issue with people not conducting themselves properly - after all the chat is considered an extension of the site where the same rules apply, i don’t think players should have freedom to say things that would be considered toxic or disrespectful simply because they have the option of not releasing the server


“hosts can just say in the op wolf chat will be released regardless “

yes this would work but i feel like no one is actually going to do this


assuming youre opening discussion for this topic, I do agree that like if people are violating rules ns tuff in maf chat and being toxic obvi they should still be punished for that, but I really do think maf chats not being released should be up to the discretion of the players in there. sometimes people just use wolf chat to vent their stress and dont want that out, sometimes people just dont want it releasd because they feel like they didn’t play their bes.t i also feel like it hasn’t really been a trend of wolf chats being kept private but i willa dmit i havent like, looked for wolf chats or something like that

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Even my hamster knows you’re dating May. And my hamster doesn’t even speak English.