Weekly Monday Discussion #6 - Computers

I can’t help that you made a wrong assumption so you attempted to move the goalposts.

So, you were just arguing against programs that aren’t publically available?

I like this policy - I feel it’s more fair when everyone has access to these tools, and the only time when I don’t make them public is when I’m not finished writing them (and it’s reasonable enough to forbid posting info from there until it’s released publicly).

That is what was included in what I quoted of orange’s post, yes

I mentioned I was fine with released tools previously

My only issue with released tools are that some people may not have technological skills to set them up but I think that could be determined on a case-by-case basis of the tool and considering what is “reasonable” to set it up

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Fair enough; I read it as unsure because of

Also mehhh was included because I had considered the case-by-case thing; not necessarily a problem with every program but that I could see problems with some programs
Another issue I see on a case-by-case basis is making sure that there is no malware; in the ideal world we do distribute these tools to everyone, who is making sure that there isn’t any malicious code?

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return to monke
read post, make read


how do we weigh all of this with the knowledge that some of this site’s userbase hates computers


If we removed ISOs from discourse, and then someone programmed their own ISO that they themselves kept private and secret, it would provide them an advantage in the game; their posts would more easily be read as concise, well-researched and fluid. This was only made possible because of their programming skills. I do not believe that they should be able to influence mafia.

If they let everyone know that they are using these programs, it would remove the fact that they’d appear artificially more concise, well-researched and fluid because everyone would know to adjust for the fact that they have their own ISO tool, but it doesn’t remove the fact that their posts will be more well researched but for their programming skills.

In the case of my programs, the source is available, and it’s in Python, so it’s fairly readable (and if anyone was suspicious of a piece of code, they could just ask me about it). In general I’m not sure though.

And then I get onto another issue that’s also case-by-case; what about people without computers and who rely on their phone? Are we going to issue multi-platform programs? This is going to disadvantage people without the money - likely those in 3rd world countries - who cannot afford certain systems etc. I don’t think it would be fair to consider a program “public” if that program only runs on MacOS.

We’d have to consider software safety AND platform distribution standards for programs if we’re looking to make sure they’re reasonably publicly available.
Not necessarily a problem with allowing programs themselves, but a practical issue that can’t really be overlooked.

Resolving this issue case-by-case seems fine. Most programs (including the ones I’m writing) run regardless of OS.

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i think that chloe should figure out how to make timestamps better natively without funky workarounds but apparently this is actually difficult (sadly) – i kinda dont think its a problem if people do the thing but its not accessible and it really should be. hopefully thats something that can be fixed at some point

im not super convinced that there’s any… good reason to really be allowed to queue your own posts as a player, ngl. as a host im sure it would have incredible utility though


IDK if this is a big enough thing to put up a guide for but it’s pretty easy to go to the raw text pages and view the timestamps (without any programs).

Agreed on both here; I’d love to make daykills (or other day actions) actually resolve immediately through a bot

yeah i know it’s not actually all that hard to do, but for people who are not computer nerds it can be and if you’re on mobile it’s probably not even worth trying to do

either way it’s kinda janky and thus is an accessibility issue to some extent

no it’s geniunely just a different URL

I explained it here

i dunno about you but editing urls while on my phone is pretty annoying lol

on desktop idt its that hard to do but it’s still janky

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lots of good arguments here but daeron has convinced me tbh

mainly cuz of the people who play on mobile

but i’m also kinda just a mafia purist and i worry about games becoming a lot of automated analysis rather than human interaction


also this