Weekly Monday Discussion #6 - Computers

Arctic isn’t a mod! We are both spreading misinformation!

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You exercised Moderation doesn’t matter who it came from

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MISINFORMATION!!! :trophy: :trophy: :trophy: :trophy: :trophy: :trophy:

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i think for the most part mod approval is okay though. for specialised tools for mafia its not like theres a wide array of things that would need vetted. this is a very specific issue that I was PURPOSELY KEEPING UNDER WRAPS ZUGZWANG


did I get the phase tea leaves from may

I guess what i was trying and completely failing to say is that hosts shouldn’t be able to ban calculators, we should just have some sympathy if they ask people not to do it because the setup is their baby

(They should also just make a better setup)

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Probably not it’s a common phrase


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i still have to make my moderation scenarios yesyes


I thought reviewers already killed the babies and the only ones left are the monsters



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can confirm

I’m generally unempathetic (toward hosts asking players not to play their game optimally, I think it indicates bad design and puts weird pressures and expectations on players to quasi-throw to make the hosts feel better)




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This is why i only play vig10ers


this is why i only play dayvig 10ers

alright everyone, here’s my next setup:

  • There are 12 town and 3 mafia members
  • The game takes place over a series of two days
  • On day 1, all players may vote between three options, called “Door 1,” “Door 2,” and “Door 3”
  • Behind one door (randomly chosen) is a Magic Prize That Makes Town Win And Mafia Lose. Behind the other two doors is a Bomb That Kills All Town But Not Mafia.
  • After day 1 ends, the host selects a door to open that was NOT the door chosen, and DOES contain a bomb, revealing that door and its contents to the players. The host obviously is aware of which doors have which items.
  • On day 2, the players may then vote on whether to KEEP their current door, or SWITCH to a different door
  • At the end of day 2, their choice is applied, and the game outcome is determined based on what is behind the door

I was referring to their post #113

If that’s not what you were asking then am not sure what you meant

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Honestly my entire opinion on the calculator thing just went out the window i am no longer empathetic thank u for helping me see the light may


Damn, you hit me with the unlike :pensive:. I mostly meant like "my game is hard solvable please don’t use a calculator to solve it :pleading_face: " is a game that should not be run. There are shades of gray and obviously context is important, but the extreme example of hard solvable via calculator is a game that should not be run, and that requesting players not use a calculator is sort of insufficient in that particular example. When I’ve worked on mashes, I think about the numbers a lot to ensure that if someone does do this kind of calculation, it isn’t devastating to one side or the other. Tools to analyze mechanics seem fair game to me. You could probably find an example where I’d be like “yeah the host is reasonable to ask players to not use for this game”, but I don’t like qualifying all of my opinions with “except the counter examples that probably exist”.