whats your mbti type

not my problem that you are not ascended

I pissed and shidded and farded

I meant to say pissed there at first because that’s actually funny because it’s alliterative otherwise it was just LoLRANDOM and that SUCKS

If you still say it’s not funny I will destroy you

are u ok Ghana

Here’s my top 3. In order.


Was I ever ok

Why did you ping me for this

You earlier ‘You’re not an ENTP, I read a paragraph’

I’ve always been INFJ when I take these tests. I got INFJ-T when I took the 16personalities.com one recently.


BTW here’s a thread from the old site if you want to see what people had a couple years ago.


it sucks to read bexause theres no cool avatars

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I got ISTP or INTP on this one
Usually when I take it I always get IN-something and beyond that I don’t really know lol

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ye and

thats kinda chaddy

Pretty sure it just means I’m a stereotypical FM player lol

intp yeah istp is chaddy though

i always get ENTP when i do these tests :pensive:


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