whats your mbti type


Istj on dotas link but isfj on 16 personalities

Man, my highest score on it was only 90 points and the one under that was 81 points lol

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I got YMSF

i thought you were intj lol
istj makes more sense


Thinking about not really. I dont really go off gut much if im understanding how it means. Im just a lazy ass sometimes lmao

My highest type accuracy had 65 points. (out of 100?)

And there was 4 of them at that score.
And another 3 of 64 score accuracy.

I think even this test fails to understand my mind ._.



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I don’t think mbti really tells you much but at the very least I’ve always gotten the same result

Test results

Yes. I obviously also think I have trouble finishing stuff, but am also great at getting things done.

That’s where leadership part comes in, right? Just push responsibilities at others, I won’t need to finish them, but they will be done.
Perfect talented problem solving via expressing unparalleled leadership abilities.

Or I’m just a perfect eevee and I can be whoever I want to be.
That also fits.

Seriously speaking, I think only thing certain in this test is T letter.
All others look more or less ~rand.

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From an assignment that forced me to take 5 different personality tests:

I have taken the MBTI test seven times over five years – six of those times involuntarily – and each time I have received a different result, sometimes ending up within completely the opposite category.
One thing I have learned about myself from doing these surveys over and over is that defining my personality under one of these narrow groups confines me within the definitions of that group. When I need to answer the questions that can supposedly classify me into a personality type, I feel myself conforming more and more to the choices I have made. My answer to those questions will change based on the context and the individual; however; answering these very general questions with a simple yes/no makes me feel as if I should behave in that particular manner.

Take the MBTI assessment for example – the idea of organizing everyone into 16 different types have become such a fad that there are uncountably many websites featuring the assessment, all with different questions and different results. Most of these websites are plastered with ads, like the one we were given in this assignment, desperately trying to get our attention and sell us something rather than provide us with valuable information. And for larger sites, such as 16personalities or the hostility test we were assigned to take, they will try to sell their own products. These sites give a short taste of the user’s results on the final screen and claim that paying the company will provide them with more information. The continued existence of these sites show that there are enough gullible people that fall for these money-making schemes, which infuriates me every time I am assigned to take one.

That being said, my most common result is ENFP-A


Yeah most people are a mix of these pre-defined personality types, considering everything is basically a spectrum and nothing is definitive
And also people can adapt and change over time, even if their fundamental tendencies tend to stick

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I just take them for fun :man_shrugging:

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test is broken

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PerC has entered the chat

(i’m INFJ)


While PerC is here can you tell MafC that more people might play on their site if their UI wasn’t such a mess :stuck_out_tongue:

says the person whose homesite uses discourse :wowee:


Oh cool, another INFJ :slight_smile:

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mbti is zodiacs for nerds tbh, im not sure theres much truth in them

theyre fun to do tho, i got enfp


theres a difference between rng and estimation
i despise astrology