Wild West FM 2 (2/25) - Town wins!

Their 150 posts might make them to be easier to be decided if they are wolf or not than my 10…

agree the sole reading why he is top wolf in my list is that he said he will be posting 15 posts every day but he just went straight up to 150 lol

It is really sus.

But did you check on any of his previous games?
He might just be incapable of low-posting, which is common for some FM players.

i didnt but i am happy with my vote on him since its just d1 and there are 25 people alive and i have no specific concrete wolfreads

Achro could have also just changed their mind and they just had time to do more or something.

I don’t think stuff like that is AI but I can see Achro being wolf for other reasons.

What’s your read on Iaafr?

@Zorvo what’s your read on Arctic?

He can go

I mean it’s like. I don’t directly wolf read him and definitely don’t town read him as from most I have seen from them is that interaction they had in regards to Jaiden and mention of Eliza.
Didn’t really like it that much but I can’t directly call it wolfy either just not that good and can still be Town!Arctic, total rundown I’d need more from his slot to make a more concrete read on him.

Out of everyone I think the person that responded the worst to me was Frost because what he said to me made no sense in terms of context, you’d have to pull it up in my ISO it should be there.

In short words, iaafr is spewing

Also since I won’t be here during EoD because I will be sound asleep as I’m just about to turn off my phone and take a snooze now for work in the morning I want you all to watch Arctic closely.

If he hard complains about Iaafr wagon it’s a bad look for him and can be wolf indicative.

In what way?

i agree that brad has become irrelevant which im pretty sure is his scum tell
dont mind wagoning there

ok yeah if anyone isnt convinced read his last like 30 posts lol isnt that prime bluekang scum territory
VOTE: BradLand

What do you mean, he is caught like this.

i apologise, i am confused by your post, can you rephrase

i have no idea how fluffy wagon took off and became a thing but im not a fan
not worried though i expect rabbit to come at eod and talk his way out of it

You mention lol is not mafia prime suspect, why?

what I said had nothing to do with you I just quoted it from your message because I had forgot about it til you quoted it

What are you doing…

oh hahaha i used lol as just a normal word there

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for real check out brad’s last 30 or 40 posts
hes become extremely irrelevant