Wild West FM 2 (2/25) - Town wins!

Ya say meta, can you explain what it means

Did you…literally…copy a post from like 10 minutes ago?

You just said you think lol is town
Are you against him or with him-

Is Arctic copypasta’ing himself?

no? i’m not sure what you’re referring to

using past games to compare to current games

im gonna read some wholesome hentai, will keep an eye for pings and stuff

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The “your meta is outdated” paragraph.


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Unsure but i dont feel like anyone is trying to save him except for the people who are trying to tie maybe

Inb4 Brad saw a post that Arctic had copied from scumchat and thought it was a repost from here.

THAT’S IT! :point_right:


yeah i guess i reiterated the same thing, but this time i was using it as an argument for why i don’t even care if lol is town because i think he’s steering the town off a cliff regardless of his alignment (because brad mgiht be TMI’ing him v)

Important about ITAs

@Leafia @Arctic @Rajidae @Rajidae

Killing lol to solve the counter wagon is a 100% must.

But from there the texture of these EOD is different

if lol is scum murder my wagon, but the last time I was MLed here it was just paranoid villagers so if this is v/v look towards the people who didn’t care as much.

honestly i feel like im obligated to let achro die because ‘remember that game where achro got d1d in the year he was 18-0’ is just such a better narrative than ‘lol got d1’d again’

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arctic is scared to lose an anchor that he can rely on even if the anchor is made out of paper

if you are town and die there is almost no way i survive the night but ye

u are not that good who will die in that scenario is probably iaafr

@Jar can i convince you to vote lol instead of Achro

the person who half the game thinks is mafia, yeah