Wild West FM 2 (2/25) - Town wins!


idt may should be shot tbh

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lol (4): Arogame123, Rajidae, Achromatic, Leafia
ParticleMan (4): ElizaThePsycho, guavagudetama, Jaiden, O.kazo
Arogame123 (3): iaafr, BradLand, lol
ElizaThePsycho (2): Arctic, Wazza
Arctic (1): Leafia
Achromatic (1): ParticleMan
Magnus (1): dota
Garfooled (1): Magnus

Not Voting (9): min, Frostwolf103, eevee, Jar, May, Garfooled, Kork, Maple, Zenon

this is around post 1000 when lol made this townlist

(post 999)

lol (4): Arogame123, Rajidae, Achromatic, Leafia
ParticleMan (4): ElizaThePsycho, guavagudetama, Jaiden, O.kazo
Arogame123 (3): iaafr, BradLand, lol
ElizaThePsycho (2): Arctic, Wazza
Arctic (1): Leafia
Achromatic (1): ParticleMan
Magnus (1): dota
Garfooled (1): Magnus

Not Voting (9): min, Frostwolf103, eevee, Jar, May, Garfooled, Kork, Maple, Zenon

this is around post 1500 after achro scared me off aro

basically if aro is wolf then i blame achro still and wazza’s probably pushing me off of TMI that i wolfsided by leaving the wagon i joined

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wait the second paste didnt work hold on

hey may

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Never let your memes be dreams.

Just DO IT!

Would you still love me if I didnt know how to put consecutive commas in a post

No that meme doesn’t get old to me.

Yeah, that itself is not directly scum indicative, but orchestrating pushes then putting the blame of said pushes onto someone else and leaving it in their control is. lol took the blame for the Aro push once you abandoned it and now he’s dead, partly because of his confidence in that push based on what I know about.

And you did, in fact, influence wagonstate, the only wagon at EOD that you didn’t help influence or vote on at one point whatsoever was Achro.

Once more, I’ll state that the issue with your reads isn’t the inconsistency, while that’s poor in and off itself, the issue is where you commit your reads just to shove the blame onto someone else.

If Aro flipped yesterday and flipped town, I could easily have seen lol being the flip today purely because of what you did, which as we know would’ve killed a town. That’s what I dislike heavily about what you did yesterday, it’s the fact you wouldn’t have received any blame because from a generic reading view, it looks like you had no influence on it when your ISO indicates completely otherwise.

Yeah I actually do, I would’ve discussed some thoughts yesterday if I wasn’t heavily focused on you which yeah, was my bad but I didn’t expect casing you to take so long.

Personally, I believe Aro to be…a slot that exists? I haven’t got much thoughts on him and it’s why I was mostly confused on where the push even came from to begin with, would still like further explanation on your whole idea regarding the push on Aro despite their lack of thread presence, and I want more than “they thought Particleman wasn’t a troll”, if you don’t mind.

May I think is just on the outside? I don’t understand their thoughts and I’ve not had much interaction with them to begin with tbh, I saw them quoting something about one of my posts at one point and I didn’t care much for it, they seem to just be doing generic Leafia stuff of responding to everything stated without much content involved in it, don’t know what this means for them but this is just what I analysed. (I don’t think I’ve ever played with May but I do recognise being in a game with them before, but just can’t think of the game so it might’ve been on MU)

I personally believe Brad to be town, didn’t understand much what Achro was getting on about Brad yesterday nor did it get close to convincing me regardless of lol’s flip. They seem to just be doing their generic obnoxious townie thing at some points and when they’re agreed with just vibing in the thread, nothing really much to scumread against him, also he seems to be continously sheeping when the last time I saw him as scum he made his own reads apart from I believe sheeping Litten (who was scum in the same game).

If the archive website wasn’t broken I’d show you the best example I have (Came from the entire scumteam, more specifically Leafia in the same game, I was an NK in that game). It’s why I compared your way of playing heavily seeming like Leafias.

My issue with Zorvo is that he started taking my words immediately like gospel, as if I was preaching the bible directly to him, I don’t think its scummy but it’s just what I wanted to point out, I expected him more or less to make his own read regarding a push that I specifically was making.


lol (7): Arogame123, Achromatic, eevee, Frostwolf103, Arctic, Leafia, iaafr
Arogame123 (5): BradLand, lol, Zenon, dota, Zorvo
May (1): Rajidae
Achromatic (1): Magnus
ElizaThePsycho (1): Wazza
Zenon (1): May
iaafr (1): guavagudetama
UNVOTE (1): Jar

Not Voting (7): Garfooled, Kork, Maple, O.kazo, Jaiden, min, ElizaThePsycho

this is the ~1500 vc i meant to paste

If Wazza is mafia I’ll eat my hat.

If Wazza is town I’ll eat Rabbit’s hat.

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i am willing to look past that. i would still love you

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That’s right, MORNING. I don’t even mean “morning” as in 1AM. I woke up at Seven AM today because I had a dream I took candy out of a bowl in an office and it had rubber bands on it and I choked on the rubber bands

rubber bands

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Start condensing your posts, I warned you about this yesterday and it ruined any chance I had about interacting with you on my scumread on you yesterday when I would’ve much preferred to have done so.

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Wazza try not to wallpost by accident challenge: impossible

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And then I went for a WALK. OUTSIDE. I feel like a human again. Who knew what not being in excruciating pain because you missed your fucking pain meds the day before your birthday is fun and enjoyable

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i can confirm iaafr and leafia have very similar playstyles


Don’t worry Wazza.

Rabbit might’ve ran through his posts and you can’t talk to him.

But I didn’t blow through my posts and you can talk to me instead. :pleading_face: