Wild West FM 2 (2/25) - Town wins!

i don’t think aro shooters should be cleared
i scumread them all too much individually to just let this go tbh

aro was the slot being replaced and they were clearly getting shot before someone replaced in so i don’t think anyone should get cred for shooting him except people who floated alternatives right before shooting (maybe may and brad)


As I said.
I think Wazza has high wolf equity with Aro and Aro flipped Wolf.

I think one of them can be a wolf.
Between Frost, Magnus or May.

I’m willing to clear You, Zenon and Brad.

reposting my bad and unconvincing case on leafia thats not based on leafia’s posting at all

I agree but I don’t think they should all just be forgotten either.

I think Brad and Zenon look good from it but the others not so much.
Except maybe Iaafr.

Trying to setup a night kill on me, I see you.

I at least thank the wolves for letting me live to see the light of Day 2.

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considering shooting zorvo
was going to consider shooting arctic but

This is making me suspect May more tbh, they randomly shot Aro and despite giving some small explanations it didn’t really sell me on why they would, sure I understand not shooting other people they suspected but it didn’t sit right with me

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Why am I a wolf?
Give me one good reason.

actually nvm am considering shooting wazza

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So my take right now is that Achro for the first time in a game I’ve played with him was just straight wrong and mafia killed him to lock in his reads.

If I’m right and Leafia is wolf than he was shielding 2 wolfs and led the charge on a town. Achro is well respected and sheep able especially dead N1 so if I’m wolf and he’s just wrong I’m killing him and using his legacy and abusing the fuck out of it.


your previous slot holder was likely scum

Also what’s your read on Wazza?

idk but they have made some weird pushes
i kinda think its agenda


Jaiden - I’ve been over this.

Magnus - I don’t think Magnus’s thoughts on me shift back and forth as they have been if they’re wolf. They seem to react naturally to each individual post I make, which is how they’ve acted in past games where they’ve suspected me, going back and forth on my slot based on microreads. I think w!Magnus would try to appear more outwardly consistent.

Jar - Jar’s thoughts flow very naturally and feel similar to the experience I’ve had with him in previous games, chiming in with opinions occasionally, making pretty standard wolfreads, but not too generic, disliking townreads on him.

Rajidae - Rajidae gives opinions very casually and in a way that just makes sense. She has a clear internal world that builds on itself each post, and I like that a lot. I want to see how she reacts to the ITA phase today, but what I’ve seen so far is great.


iaafr - I keep going back and forth on iaafr, but I think the way he’s progressed on me and Zorvo isn’t consistent with someone going for misexecutions: he’s moved back and forth a quite a bit, but always with specific reasoning, and he’s not been afraid to contradict himself or change his mind.

Zorvo - As I mentioned, his tell of,,, TMIing himself wolf is not present, and I think that’s a good sign. He’s also been the aggressive Zorvo I expect as of his later posts. This read isn’t locked in by any means, I think plenty of what I said in my wall still stands at least a bit, but he’s trending upwards for me.

min - Quite honestly, I don’t know that he’d come into thread this out of his mind as a wolf. I believe I played with him before as wolf and found him easily there from how he didn’t react naturally to other players in the game. His focus also seems to jump around naturally. His content to post ratio is… not high, but what he does say is generally live reactions to stuff in thread that feels hard to fake as wolf.

Wazza - I still think her push from yesterday was timed in a towny way, and similar to min, her thoughts flow into each other in a way that feels like live reactions to thread: she asked me questions as I talked, questioned things I did that were weird, and so on.

Eliza - Eliza has a specific tell where she tends to bat down other people’s reads as wolf much more than she agrees with them or makes new ones, and I think her posts haven’t been consistent with that scum meta, and her coming around to shoot me is an actual kinda,,, forceful take that’s remained consistent even as thread opinions change. I think she’d go with the flow more as wolf.


Eevee - There’s basically nothing here to read. I don’t love him sheeping Achro, but I also know he has an esoteric playstyle that I’m not familiar with. I’ve played one day of one game with him before and got yelled at for scumreading him. I don’t remember why.

dota - I genuinely have no idea how to read this slot. He’s just so… inconsistent in a way that means I can’t really follow his overarching thoughts, but his individual posts all make sense to me.

Arctic - I’ve been pinging back and forth on Arctic; his alignment is something I keep trying to figure out based on conditionals on others, and so it’s been a kind of… superposition in my head. I keep looking for specific towntells from him that I’m just not seeing. I thought him pushing on me D1 was towny, because I knew for a fact my tone was off there because of my illness, but the more he keeps trying to push me over here, the more I feel like his focus is overly narrow toward me, and I keep getting distracted by defending myself and trying not to defend myself. It’s complicated and I’m tired and I want to ignore him.

Kork - Listen I’m doing the neutral reads last because I genuinely have nothing to say. I can squeeze nothing from Kork’s post they make me tired I’m so sleepy

Leafia - I don’t like how little I remember from Leafia today, and it feels like she’s coasting off of Achro’s townread on her. She’s definitely the type to have killed Achro there, especially given that fact, and it makes me nervous.


Arogame - A lot of the case on Aro is based on meta I’m not familiar with, but his iso is sparse, he’s not posted at all today, and that’s scummy enough for me. Believing Particle wasn’t a troll is straight-up wrong and a bizarre conclusion to come to, given how many signs there were.

Guava - Guava’s thoughts feel overly spelled out to me, like she’s saying everything they believe in thread and there’s no internal world behind them. They’ve made shallow commentary on the rest of the game without really pushing for anything with conviction, and it’s scummy.

Maple - There’s not much to read here, but I don’t like what I’ve seen. He seems to have an overly strong focus on appearances and “acceptability”, asking whether emojis were “okay”, and I feel like his indecisiveness toward EoD was overplayed and potentially coached.

O kazo - I didn’t remember a single post from O kazo before looking back through his iso, and what I see isn’t great. I don’t like the ParticleMan policy from him specifically, because it feels like… an overly easy read to fake. Any townie would get frustrated by that slot, as they were a troll, and so it’s very generic.

Zenon - I don’t like her inactivity throughout early ITA phase - time availability, of course, but it’s also a weird pattern of behaviour for someone who was seen as suspicious but not that suspicious throughout D1. It feels like she’s lying low, and I haven’t known her to be the type to do that.


Frostwolf - Reminding me heavily of TotA play, and I think his trust of Achro yesterday could be an exaggerated reaction to that - he pushed Achro in that game and was wolf there, and it feels like a conscious effort to mix up meta.

Brad - I don’t like him going back on his townreads, the one thing I know about Brad from meta is that he doesn’t tend to do that. I also don’t like the weird kind of, hesitance to vote him from thread, it feels like he’s a perpetual background suspect that never can garner a wagon.

Garfooled - I still don’t see what makes this slot towny, honestly - when I played with them as town in Strategem, they had this consistent internal world that clearly showed throughout all their posts, but I’m not seeing any of that here. They show up, talk about how they haven’t caught up, drop one or two offhand reads, and leave. It doesn’t feel natural.


wazza is the type of player who would absolutely make weird, agenda-y pushes and claim like

I don’t give a fuck what he did, I came into this game with the Cowboy Rolecard and I ain’t no scum.

So other then obsessing over who was in this slot how about you read the person currently in the slot, yeah?

Oh. Well. That simplifies things

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do not shoot zorvo please
it is so clear that aro was whiteknight chainsawing particleman from these quotes

like, imagine you enter thread, see your wolf partner trolling and turning the entire thread against them, you don’t just roll up and say “um actually guys they seem really genuine to me?” this is clearly whiteknighting a villager lol who the entire thread hates and they later use it to push you eliza when they called your push on particle scummy which i think makes you town also probably

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@Zenon you’re on the money. Look at this post (#2699).


This internet is too slow for my liking.

Deja vu. Absolutely not.

I think you misread the dynamic. I solidly townread Leafia from near the beginning of D1, I just thought Achro was pocketing Leafia. If anything, that looks bad for me, since I’m just “now” saying she’s probably evil when everyone else is, but meh.

eh ok