Wild West FM 2 (2/25) - Town wins!

He pushed Leafia first and he strikes me as a new player. Going off what I know from how some new evils play (from Nuto), they seem to like pushing evils (even non-outed evils) a lot. Mainly because it looks correct and you look town if they die, but pushing townies feels much more risky if you can’t support your read.

I’m not sure what you really mean by possessed here. I thought you were making a joke about me not usually liking fluff earlier.

I didn’t comment on alignment because I’m not quite sure what else you’d be doing as a wolf and I just wanted to throw your name out there but couldn’t find a good way to do it. This outlet works better, though.
“You’re playing in a pro-town way” was my ultimate conclusion. I wasn’t exactly calling you town for that, although it more or less amounts to the same thing.

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so by your theory then leafia is probably the only clear TMI-spewed wolf if particleman wolf and the rest are just associations made thru reactions, right?

i mean i dont buy it at all but ill give you props if youre somehow right

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I have never wanted to kill someone more than you this is true


magnus could be scum cause he doesnt wanna vote leafeon but call them scum and saying that i bussing leafeon

magnus knows leafeon is caught but wants to deny me my townyness

ur outed mafia lololololololol

vote me and when i flip town your dead

i mean, my argument was that it’s not AI. from the sounds of it you seem to agree with me

i’ve skimmed your iso and i can’t tell how much of it is serious
it’s kind of reminding me of how you played in starcraft as mafia, where you were just throwing shit at the wall. so could you clarify on how much of your content so far is actually real? if it’s serious, do you think eliza is town just because of a preflip on particleman? it seems a bit disingenuous to me

Could you explain these townreads?
Anyway, I’m not going to bully Particle all day like some others apparently want to. You do you.

I would say that all of the people w!Part would’ve pushed on are rand>w, but they aren’t all collectively evil. Pushing Leafia first gives her the highest chance of being partnered with Part, yeah.
Of course, this read varies on whether Leafia is actually Indian or not, or whether she was pulling a “Cowboys and Indians” thing and was actually joking about being non-town after all. Would you believe me if I told you that’s one of her scumtells, joking about being evil? I swear v!Leafia doesn’t do that.

Zenon outed mafia cause they scumslipping and are pushing obvious town to mislynch

vote them

His solve is literally 0 for 5

Unfortunately he probably is town but i still wanna shoot him


leafia was the only push that wasnt based on associations though, so i dont see how TMI would inform the other ones

achro was bc of townreading leafia, rest were because of shading particleman or defending leafia

sorry did i misread, i thought you were saying the exact opposite

this scumteam must be very clumsy if they are slipping in every other post

(i think you might be right but i’m more sold on eliza atm)

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iaafr good solving tone arctic know i town and fighting against mafia push to mislynch me arogame recognizes my towniness when mafia push me

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please dont shame me im tired

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True i am outed mafia

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"This one person is Mafia and I’m throwing names out there. Let me accuse them real quick.”
I don’t get what’s hard to understand here.


i wanna kill leafeon today why dont you wanna kill leafeon cause there most outed

All of it is real except me calling pm scum pretty sure he’s town just wrong and new and loud none of it is based on a preflip

Also I’m probably wrong cause i fucking blow at this game

you know im town cause im not mafia with you but you still wanna push me?

True. Better shoot me first.