Wild West FM 2 (2/25) - Town wins!

VOTE: Jaiden

sheeping the great-for-threadhealth town leader

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caught for the wrong reasons

you think im stupid and your too proud to admit that you got caught by me so your calling me a troll

your outed and the only thing you can do now is scummily discredit me because if you kill me at night then town will lynch you unless there bad

True. Very good god read. You got me.

personally i would just not engage

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I outed myself D1 to try to kill you the greatest mafia threat of all time


I’m very sad that i can’t shoot till d2


ok gonna not post for 7h to save my important posts (i am powerful and will lead this town to victory)

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you wont live until d2

VOTE: Zenon

I read through Aro’s ISO and even though he was being productive, around half of it felt like it could be forgotten safely. In all of my worldly experience… this probably means Aro’s town who’s gonna be pushed later down the line, a lot of villager posts tend to fall into that category and there are many more villagers than scum this game.
I do like Aro’s stance on the game, though.

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Iaafr wants to live more than they want people to think or more than feels warranted, by the way.

i mean i dont like dying early and i got n1ed in my last two towngames but ill live with it if i do

if this is shade youre off base bc i come off more survivalistic and defensive as town


if u think leafeon is mafia and im bussing leafeon then why wont you vote them?

I probably will. I have many allies.

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I don’t “think” Leafia is scum. I have a metric that will determine her alignment to a degree of my satisfaction once she returns. Neither do I “think” that you’re evil. In the event that you are, which looks less and less likely every minute, I would say that Leafia would be logically partnered with you. If this stance comes across as waffly to you, so be it. I’m not voting someone in the few hours of the game that I actually see myself wanting to kill.

One hour will pass before my return.


Right now, If I was a scum, I would just sit quietly and watch the world burn.

said eevee, eating popcorn


thats cause your mafia with leafeon and you dont want to bus so your accuse me of bussing them so you can mislynch me when there mafia

your outed

eevee town
