Wild West FM 2 (2/25) - Town wins!

killing with words is alot different to a person than killing with bullets

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Really isnt

We basically killed CatWren with bullets. Together

Ouch, Rude. Where was this yesterday ;) /s.

But like you go actually give a shit or you wouldn’t have said the following:

So you’re lying and while that isn’t wolfy it’s bad and bad = good execution.

Getting Mad at his teammates. :+1:

Oh and so everyone is aware.
Zenon has bussed and is known to be down with bussing. I was wolf with them once and we bussed each other.

Because thats a very extreme reaction
people dont like extremes
impulse decision and thinking about what t!him would do and all the other things dont really match either, if its an impulse they probably weren’t keeping stuff like that in mind

That literally isn’t a lie.

Yeah it is.

You’re telling me to follow Zenon who I don’t trust and I talk to you about it and you’re saying you don’t care.

It’s rude and your technically lying when you said you didn’t care when your the person who initially brought this shit up.

I’m telling you to shut up and follow another player that is better than you.

That is basically the same as me not giving a shit about your opinion.

this is unresolvable sadly so moving on from that part of the entire thing

youd be much more apprehensive if you used a dayvig may
its essentially giving a group of people the gun to do it for you theres a level of disconnect

And I’m giving you a reason why I’d rather follow a player I trust to be town.

I don’t think anyone is better than anyone else, saying “this person is better than me” is uncalled for Brad, just don’t fucking do it.

As I said, Guava is someone who I trust and I can follow with a good chance of success.

this post gives me a weird feeling theres just something i dont like abt it. noting it because concern

Someone who is a LHF it doesn’t mean someone who isn’t is better then them it means the LHF is either new or needs to improve.

There is no “better then”.

In the end the only point of this game is to achieve your win condition. Not be better then your teammates, but rather win for your team.

Opinion on Brad?

I’m leaning them to being a wolf and I think it was Magnus or something that brought up they can be in their wolf meta and Achro also called Brad a wolf.

why is min town

Allot of the things they have done I felt lacked TMI.

From my memory at least.
I don’t fully remember the exact reason but I think that was the basis of it?

Wait, hold on, I went and actually checked the times on the Zorvo/O kazo interaction here. I was assuming they were close together, but actually:


12:52 AM EST (two hours later)

Wazza is last in thread 1:14 AM

O kazo shoots at 1:27 AM EST, over half an hour after Zorvo’s initial suggestion, and with the perfect gap of time to ask Wazza about it and discuss it. It’s much more likely this was a discussed shot, not an impulse decision (my own nature May have been colouring my assumptions here, let’s be honest). Why the hesitation if O kazo was just a villager sheeping Zorvo?


Looks Like May and Jaiden share two different thoughts.

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That’s a shocker. I thought we were the same person